CACFP Training
CACFP Record Keeping, Menu Requirements and Infant Feeding – this full day training class is usually offered every month.
CACFP Annual Update – this annual training is required for CACFP participants.
Getting the Most Out of the Food Buying Guide
Civil Rights Training
Outline of Civil Rights Guidance to be in Compliance.pdf
USDA Civil Rights Requirements and Child Nutrition Programs (recorded training video)
- PowerPoint Slides and Transcript
- after opening double click on comment icon in upper left corner to open transcript.
- if opening in desktop version of Adobe you can also go to View, Tools, Comment, Open to display the transcript.
Online Training
Serious Deficiency Process and Provider Appeals – overview for hearing officials of family day care home sponsoring organizations (Power Point)
Special assistance:
If any participants require a sign language interpreter, alternate formats of print materials or wheelchair accessibility, please notify our office at least two weeks prior to the workshop date at (402) 471-2488 or (800) 731-2233.
Program Training Resources
Access CACFP training resources for infants, children and adults below-
Annual Training
Monthly Training
USDA Meal Pattern Training
The USDA’s Team Nutrition initiative is excited to announce the release of the CACFP Meal Pattern Training Slides in both English and Spanish. Inspired by Team Nutrition’s CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays Training Webinars, these ready-to-go presentation slides may be used by State agencies, sponsoring organizations, and others to train providers, operators, and menu planners on the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) meal patterns. Presentations are designed for interactive 30-minute trainings. For a complete list of training tools including infographics, posters and worksheets, visit the CACFP Training Tools page.
Download the Meal Pattern Training Slides below-