Seamless Summer Option
The Seamless Summer Option (SSO) allows school food authorities participating in the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs to provide free summer meals to children in low income areas during the traditional summer vacation periods and, for year-round schools, during school vacation periods longer than 15 school days (or for breaks of shorter periods of time if approved by the CDE Office of School Nutrition). The SSO is designed to allow SFAs to continue the same meal service rules and claiming procedures used during the regular school year. Site designations for the SSO are similar to those for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the same NSLP and SBP rules apply for meal service. Meals served are reimbursed at the NSLP and/or SBP free rates. USDA Seamless Summer Option
SFAs participating in the SSO for SY21-22 provide reimbursable meals to all enrolled students at no cost. SFAs must establish a point of service meal counting procedure and record meals as they are served. SFAs may use the Daily Meal Count Form or their electronic point-of-service system to record meals by meal type for each meal service day and at each meal service site. Monthly claims for meal reimbursement will be submitted in the CNP system.