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21st Century Community Learning Centers

The 21st CCLC is a competitive grant program to support the establishment of community learning centers offering expanded learning opportunities afterschool and in the summer. This federally-funded program is authorized under Title IV, Part B of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended. Nebraska’s 21st CCLCs create an afterschool environment...
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A Unique STEM Approach

Nebraska Department of Education’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Approach reflects an integrated and interdisciplinary philosophy to teaching and learning that emphasizes collaborative school-based, work-based, family-based, and community-based experiences as a context for helping students to master key competencies within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Teaching and learning resources,...
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About the Programs

EDUCATOR PREPARATION PROGRAM INFORMATION There are sixteen (16) approved educator preparation programs in Nebraska. In addition to the requirement that all Nebraska institutions successfully complete the state program approval process, a majority of institutions have also attained national accreditation through the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). All sixteen...
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Afterschool Programs

Helpful Resources for Starting an Afterschool Program Afterschool programs keep students safe and provide students with a place to learn, develop skills and build relationships with professional staff and fellow students. Afterschool programs give students the opportunity to also explore other interests, hobbies and engage in fun activities. Students have...
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Assessment Resources

K-12 FL Assessment Instruments Various FL proficiency assessments Teaching Materials: Assessment Tools National Capital Language Resource Center Site provides the how, what, when, and why of assessment in the FL classroom Quia Language test generator that sends grades directly to teacher after students take the assessment on-line. There is a...
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Attracting Excellence to Teaching Program

2024-25 AETP Award Application will open April 1, 2024.  Excellence in Teaching Act Forgivable Loan Programs On April 22, 2009, the Excellence in Teaching Act (§§ 79-8,132−79-8,140 R.R.S.) was signed by Governor Heineman revising the existing Attracting Excellence to Teaching Program and authorizing the Enhancing Excellence in Teaching Program.  Funding...
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Business, Marketing, and Management and Information Technology

Welcome BMIT Educators! Use the links on the left to access Business, Marketing, and Information Technology resources. Financial Literacy Act Guidance  Computer Science and Technology Act Guidance Subscribe to the BMIT email listserv Register for the BMIT Fall Conferences This year you can choose to attend the Omaha or Kearney...
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Certification Investigations

The Nebraska Department of Education - Certification Investigations The Nebraska Legislature has passed two bills that will have a significant impact on school districts. The first bill, LB 1080, requires school districts to have specific policies in place before June 30, 2021 to prevent sexual misconduct, including grooming, between an...
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The Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) is a constitutional agency approved by Nebraska voters. The Department operates under the authority of an elected board of education. NDE is organized into teams that interact to operate the agency and carry out the duties assigned by state and federal statutes and the...
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Content Area Standards

Nebraska Revised Statute 79-760.01 requires the Nebraska State Board of Education to “adopt measurable academic content standards for at least the grade levels required for statewide assessment.” Those standards shall cover the subject areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies, and the State Board of Education shall develop...
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Coordinated School Health

The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model, formerly known as a Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP), consists of ten interactive components. Schools by themselves cannot, and should not be expected to address the nation's most serious health and social problems. Families, health care workers, the media, religious organizations,...
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Crisis Response

Guide for Developing Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) for Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs): This document offers guidance to IHEs for creating comprehensive emergency plans. It emphasizes collaboration, assessment, customization, and continuous improvement. Key components include the basic plan, functional annexes, and threat-specific annexes. The guide also covers topics like the...
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CTE Data and Research

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Data & Research website provides quick access to empirical information related to Career & Technical Education (CTE) in Nebraska, including resources on topics such as CTE student outcomes, data reporting and accountability, return on investment, and labor market information.   Nebraska CTE Delivers! 79% of...
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Data, Research, and Evaluation

Office of Data, Research, and Evaluation - Sections Application Development – Focusing on the development of IT applications to support data reporting and data use by School Districts and the general public. Data Collections – Integrating the collection, refinement and use of educational data to meet federal and state reporting requirements, ensuring...
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Disciplinary Action

The Certification Investigation Review is provided by the Certification Investigations' Office of the Nebraska Department of Education. The documents set forth herein are copies of orders and reprimands issued by the State Board of Education, the Commissioner of Education, or the Nebraska Professional Practices Commission, involving Nebraska certificate holders, and...
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Educational Technology

Our Purpose The Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) promotes the use of current and emerging technologies through initiatives and partnerships that expand opportunities for learning beyond the boundaries of the school and classroom. The Guiding Principles used in developing the S11 - Digital Education Position Statement and approved by the Nebraska...
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Educator Resources

Educator Resources: For Elementary, Middle, and High School Programs For Distance Learning World Language Programs (coming soon) ESU Course Clearinghouse for Distance Learning Offerings For Heritage Speakers Programs For Educator Professional Development For Dual Language Programs Must-Mark Websites: American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Nebraska International Language Association...
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Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Flexibility

Nebraska's Waiver from NCLB Nebraska’s written request for ESEA Flexibility shifts the focus of accountability and gives us a more robust picture of what our students can do. It is an opportunity to outline our goals, create a shared vision and tell our Nebraska story. Nebraska's waiver from NCLB. The...
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English Language Arts Education

Nebraska's College and Career Ready Standards for English Language Arts Adopted by the State Board of Education on September 2, 2021 2021 English Language Arts Standards 2021 ELA Standards (vertical) (pdf) 2021 ELA Standards Resources NSCAS 2021 ELA Timeline (pdf) 2021 Range Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) K-12 (Excel) ELA Standards Crosswalk...
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English Learner Programs

Nebraska’s EL Mission To lead and support academic language learning so that English Learners have meaningful access to high-quality instruction that will prepare them for learning, earning, and living. NDE Vision Partnering for the best education for all . . . for life. NDE Values Equity of access and opportunity...
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Course Outlines Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education National Content Standards for Entrepreneurship Education Entrepreneurship Course Outline - Southwest High School Lesson Plans Are You Affected by Advertising? - Centennial Public School Selling Yourself - Centennial Public School Event Promotion Lesson Prom Closet - Waverly High School Interview an Entrepreneur Federal Reserve...
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Entrepreneurship Education

Nebraska Entrepreneurship Education The Nebraska Department of Education provides statewide: Curriculum support Technical assistance Professional development Entrepreneurship education outreach and services provided through Nebraska Career Education include: Nebraska Entrepreneurship Education website Nebraska Entrepreneurship Education listserv Nebraska Career Education Conference sessions Publicity for local, state, and national activities Support and leadership...
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Expanded Learning Opportunities

Quality Afterschool and Summer Opportunities for Nebraska K-12 Youth What is an ELO? The term Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELOs) describes an array of safe and structured programs that offer healthy growth, development and academic opportunities for youth. In Nebraska, 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLCs) are ELOs that provide...
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Family and Community Engagement

"Raising the next generation is a shared responsibility. When families, communities and schools work together, students are more successful and the entire community benefits." -U.S. Department of Education The Nebraska Department of Education identified family engagement as an essential area of focus in its new Accountability for a Quality Education...
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