Nebraska Farm to Early Care & Education
Farm to Early Care & Education is an extension of the national Farm to School movement that started with school gardening and connecting farms/farming to schools. Farm to Early Care & Education includes early childhood programs encompassing preschools, Head Starts, child care centers, and day care homes serving garden or local foods, and providing hands-on nutrition educational activities such as field trips, taste-testing, cooking and gardening with children.
There are many benefits for children when they are involved in the gardening process. They learn about gardening, agriculture, and life skills. Children can be included with planning, planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting the garden. Fresh garden produce tastes better and data supports increased fruit and vegetable consumption in children who participate in gardening activities. Gardening also supports social and emotional growth.
Why Farm to Early Care & Education?
It helps young children to develop healthy food patterns which can lead to better overall health as they age. Daily fruits and vegetables are essential for good nutrition, healthy growth, and proper brain development. Research shows children who consume fresh, locally-grown fruits and vegetables, harvested when fully ripe, eat more of them. It also supports early obesity prevention. Children in early care rely on care givers to provide healthy food and an active environment. Farm to Early Care and Education helps children and families eat healthier, supports local farmers, and keeps more dollars in local economies.
What's New
Harvest of the Month Early Care and Education Mini-Grant Awards
Congratulations to the 34 Early Care and Education Sites awarded with the Harvest of the Month Early Care and Education (ECE) Pilot 2023 Mini-Grants. These sites began their mini-grant work in October 2023 by piloting Harvest of the Month materials adapted and created for the ECE audience by promoting, educating, and offering taste tests of Nebraska specialty crops. This pilot project will guide the NDE’s Farm to ECE’s statewide plans for 2025. To view a complete list click here Mini-Grant Harvest of the Month Early Care and Education Awardees. School age materials are available now at Harvest of the Month.
Questions? Contact Sarah Meyer at
Nebraska Farm to Early Care and Education Toolkit
Check out the Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) Toolkit below. Simply click on the icons below for resources to assist in ECE planning for your program. For grant funding availability, click on “Getting Started” or visit KidsGardening Grant Opportunities. If you are new to Farm to ECE, consider making small steps to get started. For example, include a locally sourced food item once per month, participate in the Crunch Off in October, or introduce a local food educational activity through taste testing or “Try a Bite” with local produce.