Health Education

Health Education is a unique and separate academic discipline. It influences individual, family, and societal development, knowledge, attitudes and behavior and seeks the improvement of individual, family and community health. Health education helps individuals seek that which moves them toward optimal stages of wellness. It means also to aid individuals and families in overcoming the debilitating effects of economic deprivation, the lack of balance, disease and accidents of life.

Mission of Health Education

The mission of health education is to motivate young people to maintain and improve their health, prevent disease, and avoid or reduce health-related risk behaviors. It is the role of the health educator to provide young people with the knowledge and skills they need to be healthy for a lifetime and to utilize these health enhancing skills as a means for achieving life’s goals.

News & Notes

The Nebraska Health & PE Teachers’ Connection

Informal, monthly zoom discussions to share ideas and get questions answered.  Register here.

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in Kearney, NE, November 3-4, 2025

National Health Standards

The National Health Education Standards state:

  • Standard 1: Students will use functional health information to support health and well-being of self and others.
  • Standard 2: Students will analyze influences that affect health and well-being of self and others.
  • Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid and reliable resources to support health and well-being of self and others.
  • Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to support health and well-being of self and others.
  • Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use a decision-making process to support health and well-being of self and others.
  • Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use a goal-setting process to support health and well-being of self and others.
  • Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to demonstrate practices and behaviors to support health and well-being of self and others.
  • Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate to promote health and well-being of self and others.


Shayla Ruth
Physical & Health Education Specialist
Updated November 14, 2024 3:44pm