Federal Programs

Find the latest time sensitive information here

Mark Your Calendars for Upcoming Federal Programs Team Office Hours via Zoom!
10:00 – 11:00 AM (CST) unless otherwise noted
 Please click the link below to join the webinar:
https://zoom.us/j/4024712452 Meeting ID:  402 471 2452
Or Telephone: US: +1 346 248 7799  Webinar ID: 402 471 2452#

  • August 27th (1:00 p.m. CT) – ARP ESSER III Session PowerPoint
  • September 4th (9:00 a.m. CT) ARP ESSER III Session
  • September 9th (2:00-3:30 p.m. CT) ESSA Support Session
  • September 11th (10:00-11:30 a.m. CT) ESSA Support Session
  • September 18th – Federal Programs Timeline & Allowability for Use of Title II, III, & IV funds PowerPoint and Presentation
  • Reimbursement Requests – B&GM 9/19 & 9/24 PowerPoint and Presentation 
  • November 20th – Title I Overview PowerPoint and Presentation
  • January 15th – Consolidated Monitoring PowerPoint and Presentation 
  • February 12th – REAP/RLIS PowerPoint and Presentation
  • April 9th (Date change) – Non public Consultations

Nebraska’s 2023 National ESEA Distinguished Schools Recipients
Two Nebraska schools are among 65 across the U.S. that have been named 2023 National ESEA Distinguished Schools for the extraordinary success of their students.
NDE News Release

Ralston Public School - Seymour

Ralston PS - Seymour Elementary National ESEA Distinguished Schools Recipients

Wisner-Pilger Elementary School

Wisner - Pilger Elementary National ESEA Distinguished Schools Recipients

Welcome to the Nebraska Department of Education’s Federal Programs web page.

Below are the resources and services our division provides to Schools, Administrators, Teachers, and the Public from all over Nebraska.

Federal Programs

Education is primarily a State and local responsibility in the United States. It is States and communities, as well as public and private organizations of all kinds, that establish schools and colleges, develop curricula, and determine requirements for enrollment and graduation. These federal programs assist in completing the educational goals of our students.

The GMS is a web-based system used by the Department for processing various grants and plans. The system supports application submissions, amendments, and approval as well as the issuance of grant award notifications. The system also supports the processing of payments against grant awards through reimbursement requests.
Its purposes are to provide:

  1. districts an easy to use mechanism with a common look and feel originating from various sources
  2. quick response time between the Department and districts
  3. real time financial representation.

A majority of grants continue to be placed on the GMS which has become the principal method for processing Department issued grants.

NEW GMS Canvas Hub
Newly developed Canvas modules to support K-12 Public District and Non-Public School superintendents, business managers, and others who work in GMS. The modules cover various GMS topics and helpful tips to navigate through GMS in any order and at your own pace. The Grant Management System (GMS) Canvas Hub can be found on the NDE Canvas site.

Updated February 13, 2025 2:06pm