Nebraska Department of Education

State Board of Education Meeting

Content Standards Revisions

Nebraska state statute requires updates to Nebraska College and Career Ready content standards every seven years. Current standards for Fine Arts, Physical Education, Social Studies, and World Languages were adopted by the Nebraska State Board of Education in 2014, 2016, 2019, and 2019, respectively.

The information collected will be used as part of the standards review and revision process. The public input survey for Fine Arts, Physical Education, Social Studies, and World Languages is available for review here. Respondents may select one or more subject areas for which to provide feedback. The public input survey will close on Friday, January 31st, 2025.

Feedback may also be provided via the following email addresses:

ESSER Webpage and Resources

The ESSER webpage houses all materials related to the three rounds of Covid-19 federal stimulus dollars: CARES, CRRSA, and ARP. A suite of resources has been created, including a Funding Guide and Budget Roadmap, outlining suggested steps for investment planning.

News Releases

February 6, 2025

Student Organizations Celebrate Legislative Day

Event Photos Students from across the state representing seven of Nebraska’s Career and Technical Student Organizations visited the Capitol February 4th in celebration of CTSO Legislative Day. The event helped students develop a better understanding of state government and the...