CACFP Record Keeping and Menu Requirements
CACFP Training
The Nebraska Department of Education Nutrition Services office provides training in Child and Adult Care Food Program requirements monthly except July. These three session training classes are for new child and adult care center personnel, new directors, new authorized representatives, and new food service personnel. There is no charge to attend this training, however, due to limited space, pre-registration is required.
If you need help registering, download CNP training registration instructions.
CACFP Record Keeping
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon CST
3.5 Continuing Education hours
- Program Integrity
- Eligibility of Center
- Income Eligibility Forms
- Racial/ethnic data collection
- CACFP Record Keeping
- Record of Meals and Supplements Served
- Claiming process
- Nonprofit food service
- Procurement
- Compliance reviews
- Audit requirements
Meal Pattern and Production Records
1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. CST
2.5 Continuing Education hours
- Meal Pattern Requirements
- Production Records
- Creditable Foods
Infant Feeding
3:30 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. CST
1.5 Continuing Education hour
- Infant Meal Pattern
- Developmental Readiness for feeding solids
NOTE: attendance at the Infant Feeding session does NOT meet requirements for annual training.
Please Note
- A calculator is recommended.
- The Department of Education is not able to provide refreshments, so please plan accordingly.
- Due to variations in temperatures in meeting rooms, you may want to bring a sweater or jacket.
- If bad weather is a possibility, call our office at either (800) 731-2233 or (402) 471-2488 to confirm that the training will be held.
If any participants require a sign language interpreter, alternate formats of print materials or wheelchair accessibility, please notify our office at least two weeks prior to the workshop date at (402) 471-2488 or (800) 731-2233.
The sessions above are offered at the following dates and locations below:
Monthly training
December 3, 2024– 444 Cherrycreek Rd Lincoln, NE 68525
January 9, 2025– Webinar
February 4, 2025– Webinar
March 6th, 2025– ESU 3- 6949 S 110th St La Vista, NE 68128