Title VIII Private School Information

Dottie Heusman | 402-219-4802 |dottie.heusman@nebraska.gov


Federal Law and Definition

U.S. Department of Education: Equitable Services for Eligible Private School Students, Teachers, and Other Educational Personnel (Non-Regulatory Guidance) 2009 (pdf)

Except as otherwise provided in this Act, to the extent consistent with the number of eligible children in areas served by a State educational agency, local educational agency, educational service agency, consortium of those agencies, or another entity receiving financial assistance under a program specified in subsection (b), who are enrolled in private elementary schools and secondary schools in areas served by such agency, consortium, or entity, the agency, consortium, or entity shall, after timely and meaningful consultation with appropriate private school officials provide to those children and their teachers or other educational personnel, on an equitable basis, special educational services or other benefits that address their needs under the program.

Updated May 22, 2024 4:31pm