REAP Contacts:
For additional assistance in filing your application, obtaining information regarding your district’s eligibility for SRSA or RLIS funding, or available funds in your SRSA or RLIS account, contact one of the following individuals:
- NDE Contact: Ann Carmoney | 402-525-7109 | ann.carmoney@nebraska.gov
- USDE Contact for Nebraska: Justin Tabor| 202-987-1597 | justin.tabor@ed.gov
The Rural Education Achievement Program in Nebraska (REAP)
ESEA/NCLB Title V Part B: Rural Education Initiative
Part B of Title V of the reauthorized ESEA contains Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) initiatives that are designed to help rural districts that may lack the personnel and resources to compete effectively for Federal competitive grants and that often receive grant allocations in amounts that are too small to be effective in meeting their intended purposes. Funds awarded to Nebraska school districts under either of the two REAP grants listed below can be used for any activity that would otherwise be allowed under Titles I- IV.
The two REAP initiatives are:
- The Small, Rural School Grant Program (SRSA) authorizes the Secretary to award formula grants directly to eligible LEAs (i.e., those LEAs eligible under the alternative uses of funds program described below) to carry out activities authorized under other specified Federal programs. These SRSA funds are sent directly to each LEA by the USDE and do not flow through the Nebraska Department of Education. However, NDE staff are available to assist LEAs in applying for and receiving these funds from the USDE.
- The Alternative Use of Funds (flex) authority is a flexibility provision that allows eligible local educational agencies (LEAs) to combine funding under certain programs to carry out local activities under other specified Federal programs. However, some restrictions apply to transfers among these programs. Contact your NDE Title I Consultant to discuss the availability of transfers within your ESSA Consolidated Grant.
- The Rural and Low-Income School Program (RLIS) is designed to address the needs of rural, low-income schools. The Secretary awards formula grants to State educational agencies (SEAs), which in turn award sub-grants to eligible LEAs either competitively or on a formula basis. The funds are to be used to carry out activities specified by the statute. RLIS funds are awarded annually to LEAs in Nebraska on the basis of a paper and pencil grant application submitted to the NDE each fall. Funds are distributed on a reimbursement basis and requests for such reimbursement are submitted via paper and pencil documentation to NDE at the end of each grant year.
- The REAP Small Rural Schools Achievement (SRSA) eligibility list for each funding year is posted at: http://www2.ed.gov/programs/reapsrsa/awards.html. From that page, select the “Awards” tab, and the link to the current year State Grant Awards Spreadsheets. Select and download the Nebraska spreadsheet to obtain the list of eligible NE school districts.
- Any new school district, or any district that has merged with another district must file a new application.
- SRSA Grant Awards (GAN) and information on accessing the funds are typically sent in September or October and are delivered directly from USDE to school districts through Email.
- 2020 Eligibility Amounts
- 2021 Eligibility Amounts
Only a few Nebraska schools qualify for RLIS funds. Typically, these are rural districts that do not qualify for SRSA funds, although there are some school districts in Nebraska that qualify for both programs and must make a choice which program they prefer to participate in. Each eligible district must apply annually to NDE for the funds and a GAN is issued in the fall to confirm approval of their application.
All SRSA funds do not actually carry over, but can still be used for one additional year, resulting in a total time period of nearly two years during which these funds can be used.
RLIS funds are available for a 27-month period. (e.g., FY 2021 RLIS funds are available for obligation from July 1, 2021, until September 30, 2023).