Allocations 2023-2024
- Title I Allocations Public 2023-24
- Title I Allocations NonPublic 2023-24
- Title I NonPublic Served 2023-24
- Title I-C Migrant Suballocations
- Title I-D Allocations 2023-24
- Title II-A Allocations Public 2023-24
- Title II-A Allocations NonPublic 2023-24 (Estimate)
- Title III Allocations EL 2023-24
- Title III Allocations IE 2023-24
- Title III Allocations NonPublic EL 2023-24
- Title III Allocations NonPublic IE 2023-24
- Title IV-A Allocations Public 2023-24
- Title IV-A Allocations NonPublic 2023-24 (Estimate)
- CSI & CSI-ATSI Allocations 2023-24 & 2024-25
- Stronger Connections Grant Awards 2023
- McKinney Vento Grant Awards 2023-24
Allocations 2022-2023
- Title I Allocations Public 2022-23
- Title I Allocations NonPublic 2022-23 (Estimate)
- Title I NonPublic Served 2022-23
- Title I D Allocations 2022-23
- Title II-A Allocations Public 2022-23
- Title II-A Allocations NonPublic 2022-23 (Estimate)
- Title III Allocations EL 2022-23
- Title III Allocations IE 2022-23
- Title III Allocations NonPublic EL 2022-23
- Title III Allocations NonPublic IE 2022-23
- Title IV-A Allocations Public 2022-23
- Title IV-A Allocations NonPublic 2022-23 (Estimate)
Allocations 2021-2022
- Title I Allocations Public 2021-22
- Title I Allocations NonPublic 2021-22 (Estimate)
- Title I NonPublic Served 2021-22
- Title I D Allocations 2021-22
- Title II-A Allocations Public 2021-22
- Title II-A Allocations NonPublic 2021-22 (Estimate)
- Title III Allocations EL 2021-22
- Title III Allocations IE 2021-22
- Title III Allocations NonPublic EL 2021-22
- Title III Allocations NonPublic IE 2021-22
- Title IV-A Allocations Public 2021-22
- Title IV-A Allocations NonPublic 2021-22 (Estimate)
Allocations 2020-2021
- 2020-21 PY Reallocation amounts by ESU
- Title I Allocations Public 2020-21
- Title I Allocations NonPublic 2020-21 (Estimate)
- Title I Nonpublic Served 2020-21
- Title I-D Allocations 2020-21
- Title II-A Allocations Public 2020-21
- Title II-A Allocations Nonpublic 2020-21 (Estimate)
- Title II-A Allocations with Reallocations 2020-21
- Title III Allocations EL 2020-21
- Title III Allocations IE 2020-21
- Title III Allocations NonPublic EL 2020-21 (Estimate)
- Title III Allocations NonPublic IE 2020-21 (Estimate)
- Title IV-A Allocations Public 2020-21
- Title IV-A Allocations NonPublic 2020-21 (Estimate)
Allocations 2019-2020
- 2019-20 PY Reallocation amounts by ESU
- Title I Allocations Public 2019-20
- Title I Allocations NonPublic 2019-20 (Estimate)
- Title I-C Migrant
- Title I-D Allocations 2019-20
- Title II-A Allocations Public 2019-20
- Title II-A Allocations Nonpublic 2019-20 (Estimate)
- Title II-A Allocations Combined 2019-20
- Title III Allocations EL 2019-20
- Title III Allocations IE 2019-20
- Title III Allocations NonPublic EL 2019-20 (Estimate)
- Title III Allocations NonPublic IE 2019-20 (Estimate)
- Title IV-A Allocations Public 2019-20
- Title IV-A Allocations NonPublic 2019-20 (Estimate)
Allocations 2018-2019
- Title I Allocations, Public 2018-2019
- Title I Allocations Nonpublic Reserve, Nonpublic Summary
- Title I-D Allocations 2018-2019
- Title II-A Allocations Including Nonpublic Estimates
- Title III – IE Allocations
- District EL 2018-2019
- Title IV Allocations with Nonpublic Share
- 2017-18 Public/Nonpublic Enrollment Information
Allocations 2017-2018
- Revised_2017-18_Title_I-A_Allocations_2017-09-29
- Title I-A Allocations Non-Public 2017-2018
- Title II-A Allocations: Public & Nonpublic 2017-18
- Title III-EL and IE Allocations 2017-2018
- Title I Equitable Services Amount