OEC Publications and Documents
Publications and Documents
A number of publications are available for free download and purchase from the Office of Early Childhood.
Core Competencies
Core knowledge and core competencies are what adults who work with children need to know, understand, and be able to do to support children’s development and school readiness. They provide a broad categorization of knowledge and skills that apply across all roles in the early care and education field. Nebraska’s Core Competencies are voluntary.
Nebraska’s Core Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals
Nebraska’s Core Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals, Spanish
Nebraska’s School-Age and Youth Development Core Competencies
Core Competencies Order Form
Early Learning Guidelines: Nebraska’s Birth to Five Learning and Development Standards
This resource is available to assist early childhood caregivers/teachers, parents and other adults with information about supporting the learning and development of young children.
Nebraska Early Learning Guidelines: Nebraska’s Birth to Five Learning and Development Standards, English (2018)
Nebraska Early Learning Guidelines: Nebraska’s Birth to Five Learning and Development Standards, Spanish (2018)
A Summary of Nebraska’s Birth to Five Learning and Development Standards Poster (English/Spanish)
Early Learning Guidelines Order Form
Early Learning Foundations – Parent Companion to Early Learning Guidelines
Helpful suggestions to provide ways to encourage your child’s growth and development in each of the domains from the Early Learning Guidelines to better prepare them for school.
Early Learning Foundations, English
Early Learning Foundations, Spanish
Early Learning Foundations Order Form
Learning Begins at Birth
Learning Begins at Birth contains important information for families as they work to ensure their children have a strong foundation in their early years to help them thrive throughout their lives. The Learning Begins at Birth guide was designed to provide information on child development, child care, how children learn, and more.
Learning Begins at Birth, English (2020)
Learning Begins at Birth, Spanish (2020)
Learning Begins at Birth, Arabic (2020)
Learning Begins at Birth, Vietnamese (2020)
Visit learningbeginsatbirth.org for more information.
Nebraska’s Career Advising Guide
The state of Nebraska has developed a Career Advising Guide for the early childhood education field. The guide includes information on the various roles in the early childhood field, salary and income information, and options for increasing education.
Nebraska’s Career Advising Guide, English (2021)
Nebraska’s Career Advising Guide, Spanish (2021)
Ready for Success Booklet
A School Readiness Guide for Nebraska Families.
Learn more about school readiness in Nebraska.