Farm to Preschool

Farm to Preschool is an extension of the national Farm to School movement that started with school gardening and connecting farms to schools. Farm to Preschool includes early childhood programs, preschools, Head Start programs, and center based programs serving local foods, and providing hands-on educational activities. Farm to preschool works to connect early child care and education settings to local food producers with the objectives of serving locally-grown, healthy foods, providing related nutrition education, and improving child nutrition. Farm to preschool activities can increase children’s willingness to try new foods and help them become familiar with the local foods that they will see in school.


Ways to Participate:

  1. Grow edible gardens in your center
  2. Cook with kids using locally sourced produce
  3. Take field trips to local farms
  4. Offer taste tests of regional produce in season.
  5. Collaborate with local growers to offer foods during meal time

Helpful Links:

National Farm to School Network:

Find a Local Farmer’s Market



Updated January 31, 2023 6:09pm