Frequently Asked Questions
Forms & Resource Center
How soon can I begin claiming meals on the CACFP?
The earliest possible start date would be the first of the month when a COMPLETE application and all supporting documents are received by the Nebraska Department of Education. A member of the Nutrition Services staff must also make a “preapproval visit” to your center before your application can be approved.
Starting dates are dependent upon licensing dates, Title XIX and Title XX agreement dates, training dates, etc., so the start day will vary for each applicant institution. The Nebraska Department of Education will notify you in your approval letter of the start date of each site.
Who from the center must attend training and when?
The person(s) who is ultimately responsible for the CACFP must attend the full six-hour training class. In addition, your food service staff should attend the menu planning portion of the training. It is also acceptable for the director to complete the record keeping class and for the cook to complete the menu planning class. A person who is ultimately responsible for infant record keeping must also complete the one hour portion of the training.
Center staff must have successfully completed training during the six month period prior to the date when a complete application is on file at the Nebraska Department of Education. If more than six months have elapsed, the center staff must attend the training class again.
Training classes for child care centers are held monthly except July, alternating between Lincoln area and Omaha.
click here for the workshop schedule
Training for child care centers in western Nebraska is done at your site or in our North Platte office. Our staff will make arrangements with you to provide training.
I hired a director who worked on the Food Program at another center and she attended the training class three months ago. Can this meet my training requirement?
Yes. The Nutrition Services office maintains a database of all persons who have completed training. However, if more than six months have elapsed, the person will have to attend training class again. As part of your application, you will have to notify Nutrition Services of the name of the person who has completed training .
We contract with a food service vendor for meals. Do we have to attend the menu planning section of the training?
Yes. It is necessary for your staff to be aware of the meal pattern requirements, portion sizes and creditable/noncreditable foods.
click here for instructions and food service contract
click here for the Crediting Foods book
Can I get help from your office?
Yes! New centers are encouraged to contact our staff with questions regarding all aspects of the CACFP. Call toll-free (800) 731-2233 (Nebraska only).