The following web sites are provided as a resource and are not endorsed by the Nebraska Department of Education.
- Behavior Support
- Diverse Learners
- Early Childhood
- English Language Learners
- Family and Community Engagement
- High-Ability Learners
- Homeless Children and Youth
- Migrant
- Native American
- Neglected and Delinquent Students
- Poverty
- Students with Disabilities
How to extend learning time through an afterschool program.
International Center for Leadership in Education: Willard Daggett
The International Center sponsors the Successful Practices Network, a nonprofit membership organization that provides a mechanism for schools to share data, experiences, technical assistance, and best practices with one another.
National PTA: Every Child, One Voice
Parent information related to child development, ideas for helping students with academics at home, parent information in Spanish.
New Horizons: Teaching and Learning Strategies
You will find information on some of the best researched and the most widely implemented methods of helping all students to learn more successfully, including how the teaching and learning strategies work, where they have been applied, and results. http://www.new-horizons.org/
Behavior Support
Nebraska Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support
Diverse Learners
Continuous Improvement Process: Equity and Diversity
Achieving Diversity: Race-Neutral Alternatives in American Education U. S. Department of Education
National Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or at Risk
Early Childhood
Nebraska Department of Education Office of Early Childhood
Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Early Childhood Education Assessment State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (ECEA SCASS)
The ECEA consortium’s focus is on early childhood learning and developmental outcomes, appropriate assessment, program evaluation, and using data for system accountability. https://ccsso.org/resource-library/topic/all
Nebraska Early Learning Guidelines Ages for Birth to Age 5 https://www.education.ne.gov/oec/birth-to-age-5-programs/
Kindergarten-Primary Programs
Planning the Use of Time in Kindergarten
A brief discussion, including charts, of time-related issues in full- and half-day kindergarten programs.
Position Statement Executive Summary
Position Statement, May 2010
English Language Learners
Nebraska Department of Education English Language Learners and Immigrant Education Webpage
English Language Learners and Immigrant Education Webpage
The National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Education Programs (NCELA) NCELA collects, analyzes, synthesizes and disseminates information about language instruction educational programs.
Center on Instruction: Practical Guidelines for the Instruction of English Language Learners: Research-Based Recommendations for Instruction and Academic Interventions
Center on Instruction Home Page
High Ability Learners
Nebraska Department of Education High Ability Learners Website
Nebraska Department of Education High Ability Learners Website
Genius Denied
Information from the Davidson Foundation on gifted issues for parents, educators and students. Contains articles on such topics as grade acceleration, instructional strategies, etc.
Gifted Development Center
Information for parents and educators regarding gifted issues. Also contains information regarding dual identified gifted students.
Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page
Website for parents and educators regarding instructional, social and emotional information about gifted students. Links to other helpful sites.
A Nation Deceived:How Schools Hold Back America’s Brightest Students
The Templeton National Report on Acceleration
Research study which discusses acceleration as an instructional strategy and the different forms of acceleration.
National Association for Gifted Children
Contains information for parents, educators, with links to other informational websites regarding gifted issues.
Nebraska Association for the Gifted
Contains information for parents, educators, conference and events, summer experiences for gifted students.
Promising Curriculum and Instruction Practices for High Ability Learners
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
Information for educators, parents, general public regarding the social and emotional needs of gifted students. Also contains links to other sites regarding the social and emotional needs of gifted students.
Homeless Children and Youth
Nebraska Department of Education Educating Homeless Children and Youth Website
Nebraska Department of Education Educating Homeless Children and Youth
Migrant Education Program
About the Nebraska Migrant Education Program (MEP)
Nebraska Migrant Education Program
Nebraska Department of Education Native American Education
Nebraska Department of Education Native American Education
Continuous Improvement Process: Equity and Diversity
Neglected and Delinquent Students
Nebraska Department of Education Neglected and Delinquent Students
Nebraska Department of Education Neglected and Delinquent Students
Continuous Improvement Process: Equity and Diversity
Students with Disabilities
Council for Exceptional Children: Evidence-Based Practice—Wanted, Needed, and Hard to Get
While the law requires teachers to use evidence-based practices in their classrooms, the field has not yet determined criteria for evidence based practice nor whether special education has a solid foundation of evidence-based practices. Also, those teaching strategies that have been researched are difficult for teachers to access.
Nebraska Department of Education Accommodations Guidelines
Practices and procedures in the areas of presentation, response, setting, and timing/scheduling that provide equitable access during instruction and assessments for students with disabilities.
New Horizons: Special Needs
In this area of our website we offer a comprehensive resource for parents and teachers of those who are challenged physically, emotionally, or cognitively.