Community Partnerships
Systemic Family Engagement
Tribal Best Practices: A toolkit with best practices, research, and resources developed by the National Indian Child Welfare Association
This toolkit was created to inform and enrich the family advocate’s capacity when engaging Indian families in Systems of Care. The content is developed by Indian people for Indian people, however many of the concepts and ideas included can be adapted to serve any community seeking to enhance family engagement. (posted 1.6.2020)
Making the Case for Family–School–Community Partnerships: Linking Partnerships with Student Achievement.
Steve Sheldon, the author has a vision to develop a strong evidence base to support a transformation in the way that educators view their work, and to ensure that school–family–community partnerships play a vital role in education reform.
Heartland Center for Leadership Development
Heartland Center for Community Development provides leadership resources for communities that are creating or maintaining partnerships.
School, Family and Community Partnerships: Your Handbook for Action, third edition, Joyce Epstein and Associates, Johns Hopkins. Corwin Press, 2009.
The National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools (SEDL)
Supporting School, Family, and Community Connections to Increase School Success
Afterschool, Family, and Community
August 2008
This compilation of research focuses on the positive impact on student achievement created by Family, Community and After School Involvement. Studies include Parent involvement, Parental information and Resource Centers (PIRC), Staff Development for After School, Homework Supports Student Learning, and two examples of family and community organizations working with schools.
Family and Community Involvement: Reaching Out to Diverse Populations
SEDL resource that provides information regarding inclusion of diverse populations in partnership activities.
National Network of Partnership Schools
Established by researchers at Johns Hopkins University, The National Network of Partnership Schools brings together schools, districts, and states that are committed to developing and maintaining comprehensive programs of school-family-community partnerships.
U.S. Department of Education Webinar Series: Archive
Achieving Excellence and Innovation in Family, School, and Community Engagement
Academic Development Institute:
Assisting families, schools, and communities with children’s academic and personal development. ADI focuses on three areas of research and practices; 1) the school as a community including family engagement; 2) personal competencies that propel student learning; and 3) the dynamics of change and the science of indicators.
VUE – Voices in Urban Education from the Annenberg Institute for School Reform explores how school systems, other agencies, and the community can build their capacity to nurture partnerships that support student learning.