Creating the Profile
Data Collection
It is important that administrators and teachers collect information about the academic progress of all students in their schools and classrooms. Data should be disaggregated to reflect not only the progress of students as a whole group, but also by identified sub-groups. It should also be determined if teachers in classrooms are familiar with, and are using, research-based instructional strategies to enhance student achievement in all subject areas and at all grade levels. Information that examines teachers’ and administrators’ opportunities to participate in professional development activities related to instructional strategies should also be collected for this profile. Determine the resources available in every school building that will provide information and support for implementing research-based instructional strategies.
Engaging Stakeholders
All staff should be involved in the collection and analysis of data. Staff engagement in this process will be reflected in the quality of goals that are set, and the commitment to implementing these goals in schools and classrooms. Stakeholders that represent your community, families, and your student population should also be involved in the collection and analysis of available data. Stakeholder involvement is important at every level and at every phase of this process.
It is important that administrators and teachers analyze information about the academic progress of all students in schools and classrooms, including disaggregated data by identified sub-groups. Once data is analyzed, determine if there is support for teachers to use this information in daily and long-term instructional planning. Research-based instructional strategies should be used by all teachers to improve academic progress for all students, in all grades, and in all classrooms. It should also be determined if adequate professional development resources are available in every school building related to instructional strategies. An analysis of the time and resources provided for all staff members to participate in appropriate professional development activities must also occur. The effectiveness of professional development activities, related to instructional strategies, should be analyzed as part of the study.
In order to positively impact the achievement of all students in your school, data analysis must include examining the full scope of the school curriculum. Be sure to find the connections and links across all programs that are offered in your school and district. If connections aren’t evident where they should exist, this information should be included in your study.