Creating the Profile: Guiding Questions
- Is there formalized written curriculum for PreK-12 in all content areas (required in Rule 10)?
- Does curriculum align to the local vision and mission?
- Are all instructional staff familiar with the horizontal and vertical alignment of their specific content area(s) to the district’s curriculum?
- Is there dedicated time for instructional staff to become familiar with the horizontal and vertical alignment of their specific content area(s)?
- Is curriculum aligned to the Nebraska State Standards or approved local standards?
- Is curriculum aligned to the Nebraska Essential Learnings for all content areas?
- Is the curriculum aligned to the Nebraska Early Learning Guidelines?
- Is curriculum reviewed and revised at regular intervals ( Rule 10)?
- Does the district have a designated model of curriculum alignment?
- Are decisions about curriculum and instruction based on data- and research-analysis?
- Does the curriculum challenge each student to excel, reflecting a commitment to equity and demonstrating an appreciation of diversity?
- Does curriculum actively involve students in 21st Century skills, i.e. higher-order thinking, problem solving, etc.?
- Does a system exist for implementing intervention to help students meet expectations for student learning?
- Is curriculum articulated to ensure P-16 student performance and readiness for employment?
- Does the curriculum implement technology and media?
- Are there current local board policies that affect curriculum decisions?
- Is there a process in place for families and community partners to provide input into the curriculum alignment process?
- What are best practices for the development, review and revision of formalized written curriculum that is aligned to the district vision and mission?
April 19, 2018 10:57am