School Health Services

Nebraska School Health

The Nebraska Department of Education partners with Children’s Nebraska to support school health staff with best-practices, mentorship, and resources.
Children's Hospital


Andrea Riley, BSN, RN
School Health Liaison
Children’s Nebraska

Rule 59 is the common name for regulations around the management of severe asthma and life-threatening anaphylaxis. The regulation calls for the administration of both epinephrine and nebulized albuterol when the protocol is initiated.​ Each individual school building is responsible to ensure the following:

1) A designated school personnel is familiar with and understands the regulations and
1) Staff are prepared to initiate the protocol when a life-threatening event occurs to a student or staff member.

For the 2022/23 school year and beyond, Children’s Nebraska has entered a partnership with NDE to oversee education and resource development for Rule 59. The Children’s Pulmonology Team provides review of all materials to ensure best practices are met.

** Rule 59: 2024 Revisions – The revisions incorporate the seizure Safe Schools Act and to provide clarity and consistency with rules and regulations issued by the Department of Health & Human Services. View changes in this document. **

Rule 59 Training Resources

Medication Administration Training Resources

Additional resources:

If you have questions on Rule 59 or the resources listed above, please contact Andrea Riley.

In May 2021, the Seizure Safe Schools Act (LB 639) passed to be implemented starting in school year 2022/23. To date, similar Seizure Safe Schools legislation has been enacted in fourteen states including Nebraska.

This regulation mandates that all approved or accredited public, private, denominational, and parochial schools educate certified staff on how to administer or assist with the self-administration of seizure medication. Specifically, the regulation states the following:

  • For schools with at least one student identified as having a seizure disorder along with medication at school:
    • School staff will work with the student’s parent/guardian and health care provider to develop a seizure action plan.
    • Students with a seizure disorder may self-carry rescue medications.
    • At least one employee at each school will be trained to administer or assist with the self-administration of a seizure rescue medication or medication prescribed to treat symptoms of a seizure.
  • For all schools regardless of whether any students are identified as having a seizure disorder:
    • All certificated school employees will participate in a minimum of one hour of self-study seizure education at least once every two school years.
    • The training program or guidelines utilized by schools will be consistent with seizure training by a nationally recognized organization.

The Nebraska Department of Education (NDE), in partnership with Children’s Nebraska’s Neurology team, approved the following training to meet the regulatory requirements:

  • Epilepsy Foundation’s Seizure Safe Schools training for school nurses
  • Epilepsy Foundation’s Seizure Safe Schools training for other school personnel

Please take note of these resources:

School nursing is a challenging and rewarding profession. School nurses must maintain a broad knowledge base, have confidence in his/her assessment skills and be comfortable practicing independently. Because school nurses wear many hats and must be familiar with school and district policies, as well as nursing best practice, it is important for new school nurses to have support from seasoned colleagues.

This mentor program was created to provide new school nurses with support, encouragement, information, and resources to build their confidence, knowledge, and expertise in the school nursing profession.

The mentor and mentee will work together to ensure the following objectives are met:

  • Form a collaborative, trusting relationship to last one school year with regular contact (minimum monthly contact) via phone, email, text, or in-person
  • Increase the mentee’s problem solving and decision-making skills through communication and support
  • Expand the mentee’s knowledge on various regulations, procedures, and policies related to school nursing
  • Address the mentee’s questions on school nursing, resource identification, and locating services for students

If you are interested in participating in this program as a mentor, you will need to have worked as a nurse in a school setting for a minimum of five years. As a mentor in this program, experienced nurses will benefit from participation by:

  • Developing a relationship with a new school nurse who is excited to learn
  • Watching mentees become more confident
  • Being able to answer questions or guide mentees to people who have new perspectives to share

To participate as a mentee, you can be a nurse who is new to the school environment and seeks the relationship, guidance, and knowledge of a mentor. As a mentee in this program, new school nurses can gain confidence and skills through:

  • Knowing there is someone out there you could reach out to for guidance and with questions
  • Networking with other nurses
  • Reducing isolation
  • Learning more about the school nurse role

Sign up here to be a mentor or mentee (Nebraska School Nurses only), or contact Andrea Riley for more information.

All new Nebraska school nurses are invited to a monthly, virtual huddle during the school year.  This is an opportunity to collaborate, receive support, share ideas, ask questions, and build relationships with other new school nurses.

Join us whenever you can!  You are also welcomed to be in listen-only mode if you are helping students.  We understand you have a busy job and do not want you to miss out!

We meet from September to May on the last Thursday of the month from 2:00 – 2:30 pm (CST), with exceptions in November and December (third Thursday to accommodate for holidays).

To join a Huddle session click here.

Meeting ID:  931 3099 9127

Password:  192349 (required)
877 853 5257 US Toll-free

These huddles are facilitated by Andrea Riley with Children’s Nebraska alongside our School Nurse Mentors.

Please contact Andrea Riley for more information.

This planning tool is to assist school nurses in determining what training they are responsible for. It is intended to be used as a guide. Training requirements for the school nurse will vary within districts across the state.

These self-study modules were created to help new school nurses build a foundational knowledge base to practice as a nurse in the unique school environment. This training is free and available to any school health office staff needing a review of the current best-practices. They are intended to supplement training offered by school districts. Full instructions on how to access the modules is laid out in the following PDF.

School Nurse Training Modules

School nurses need to stay abreast of nursing best practice and healthcare updates, and this learning collaborative is an excellent opportunity for Nebraska school nurses to gain education and training. In the first  three years, the learning collaborative covered numerous topics such as gender diversity, common gastrointestinal issues, blood disorders, COVID, suicide prevention, sexual health, rashes, current drug trends, the nurse’s role in 504s and IEPs, and many more. Each session lasts one hour with time dedicated to answering any questions participants may have. These sessions are recorded, so school nurses can share the information with other school staff, and PowerPoints are also available for use.

Register here for the series.

School Health Learning Collaborative

Recordings of Previous Sessions:

Understanding and Responding to Workplace Stress (Breaking up with Burnout) 9/11/24

Brainpower: Boost Your Knowledge of Return to Learn After Concussion 10/9/24

School Nursing Practice - Delegation in the School Setting

Children’s Nebraska is a Project ADAM affiliate and is interested in bringing the Project ADAM program to your school! The program strives to assist schools and communities in establishing a practiced plan to respond to a sudden cardiac arrest.

Project ADAM Heart Safe Schools will successfully implement a quality sudden cardiac arrest program of awareness, training, and effective emergency response to promote a safe environment for students, visitors, and staff.

To learn more and sign your school up to become a Heart Safe School, visit

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Heart Safe School, please contact:
Kim Castellano

Children’s Nebraska developed two vaccine campaigns in partnership with the Department of Education to spread awareness and confidence in the COVID vaccine. For more information and resources on these campaigns, you can access the campaign resources here:


Across the country, the COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects, and the best way to keep schools and communities safe from the virus is to increase vaccination rates. The Fruitful COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit is free, and we encourage schools to use the resources to send positive and factual messages to students and families about the benefits of getting the COVID-19 vaccine. The Fruitful Toolkit contains posters, stickers, email templates, social media messages, Fact Sheet, and more.

Max the Vax

Max the Vax was created to keep kids safe and maximize their futures. It includes resources to stay informed about COVID-19 vaccinations for kids such as vaccination locations, messages straight from healthcare professionals, and a list of providers across the state who support kids being vaccinated.

Type I diabetes is a condition in which a person’s body does not produce insulin, an important hormone in the body. Everyone needs insulin to survive, which means insulin must be replaced with injections or with an insulin pump. Type I diabetes can be stressful and overwhelming for families and those affected. It can also be stressful for school health staff as they must monitor a student’s blood sugar, count carbohydrates, and sometimes give insulin.

While there is no cure for diabetes, it can be managed. To help schools manage this condition, Children’s Endocrinology team created a PowerPoint schools may use to educate staff. Along with the PowerPoint, there are a couple other websites below to help school staff understand Type I diabetes.

When a Good Pancreas Goes BadChildren’s Diabetes Training

Children’s Endocrinology website

Training Resources for Schools: Training Resources for Schools | American Diabetes Association 

NE School Nurse Pandemic Response

Spring 2023

NE Student Information System

Spring 2023

Nebraska School Health Data Snapshot

Nebraska School Health Data Snapshot

Updated January 21, 2025 8:33am