
CDC web pages have new information to support school health efforts.

Communication resources

CDC Healthy Schools Partner Toolkit, this school year looks different for everyone.  We are focusing on supporting the health and wellbeing of educators and students. This toolkit provides links to school guidance, virtual teaching and learning resources, infographics, webinars, trainings, other promotional toolkits, and more.

Social and Emotional Learning and School Health- Utilizing the Whole Child Framework

Healthy Classroom Celebrations

Students learn what they live so let’s create healthy environments for our students!

The below resources support schools/districts that are interested in having ALL foods and beverages offered, given or served to students during the school day comply with federal nutrition standards known as USDA Smart Snacks in Schools.

Why create this policy?

  1. Healthy Kids Learn Better: Research clearly demonstrates that good nutrition is linked to better behavior and academic performance.
  2. Provides Consistent Messages: Providing healthy classroom celebrations demonstrates a school commitment to promoting healthy environments for students to learn. It supports the classroom lessons students are learning about health, instead of contradicting them.
  3. Puts Food in Its Proper Place: Refreshments should complement the fun, not be the “main event.”

Celebration Resources for Teachers
Healthy Celebration Lessons and Ideas (USDA)

Non-Food Celebration Ideas (Let’s Go)

Tips for Teachers to Promote Healthy Eating & Physical Activity in the Classroom (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Look into Action for Healthy Kids’ Pinterest page for more ideas on healthy and active celebrations!

Seasonal and Holiday Celebration Ideas


Healthy Halloween Game Ideas

Winter Holidays

Twelve Days of Fitness

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Additional MLK Day Activities

100th Day of School

100th Day of School Eat Better – Move More Ideas

Healthy Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day Food Art

School Health – Society for Public Health Education – SOPHE

WSCC Team Training Modules are ready-made professional development resources for use by states, districts or local schools to build, strengthen and sustain school teams implementing the WSCC model.

Training modules stand alone – a module is  not dependent on another – allowing the user to create a personalized professional development plan based on the needs of the schools or districts.

Module are approximately one hour in length.

Updated July 16, 2024 3:52pm