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Brain Injury Supports

Get Schooled on Concussions
Teacher Acute Concussion Tool (TACT)

Enhance your Return to Learn (RTL) plan with a 4-week strategy delivered directly to your inbox based on your teaching style.

TACT is an online educational resource that helps teachers provide differentiated instruction to students with concussions in the classroom when they need it.

Have a student with a concussion, or want to learn more about TACT? – LOGIN HERE!

Password – TACTnebraska2020

TACT is an online educational resource that helps teachers provide differentiated instruction to students with concussions in the classroom when they need it. You will receive 1 email per week, for 4 weeks with recommendations for environmental and academic content adjustments. Get Schooled on Concussions Tip Sheets are included with each email as attachments for you to save, print, and share! Recommendations are clinical, research-based and best practice approaches to concussion RTL management. Have a student with a concussion, or want to learn more about TACT? Visit and use the Password: TACTnebraska2020

REAP – English Version

REAP – Spanish Version

Learning Opportunities

Colorado Department of Education - Understanding the Brain Learning Series

To view any of the Understanding the Brain Learning Series modules participants must complete the series registration.  Upon completion of the registration, an email will be sent with a link to view the module(s) selected.

The Building Blocks of Brain Development and Neuroeducational Evaluation
This module provides information on brain development and a simple framework for understanding and addressing the needs of students with all types of learning differences. (48 minutes)

Understanding the Intersections between Brain Injury and Mental Health Conditions
A child who sustains a brain injury is vulnerable to developmental, psychosocial, and biochemical consequences. Increase your understanding of and how best to address the needs of these students. (33 minutes)

Understanding Brain Injury and the Intersection with Challenging Behaviors, “Can’t versus Won’t”
A brain-based approach to identifying the root cause of the behavior and effectively addressing a students’ challenging behaviors. (27 minutes)

*Sharing with permission from the Colorado Department of Education*

Updated January 29, 2025 12:42pm