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Mathematics Standards

Nebraska's College and Career Ready Standards for Mathematics

College and career readiness for Nebraska’s K-12 students requires content area standards that are clearly defined and increasingly rigorous across grade levels. The standards are designed to ensure all students have access to grade-level mathematics content centered on deep learning of concepts while actively building new knowledge from their experiences. The 2022 revised mathematics standards encompass a wide range of essential skills across the strands of Number, Algebra, Geometry, and Data. The standards, both individually and as an integrated whole, describe not only expectations for college and career readiness, but the 21st century mathematical literacies for critical and innovative thinking and problem solving.

NE Math Atlas logo

The NE Math Atlas is an interactive tool that illustrates the coherent structure of the 2022 NE CCR Math Standards. Curriculum specialists and teachers can use the tool to build student understanding within and across grades by linking math concepts together.

Updated October 24, 2024 3:42pm