NSCAS Mathematics
NSCAS Mathematics for General assessment is administered to students in grades 3-8. If a student is taking the Mathematics Alternate Assessment you will want to go to NSCAS Alternate Summative Assessment Page.
For information on interim or formative assessment supports, please click on the links below.
NSCAS Math Achievement Level Descriptors:
Achievement Level Explorer – A resource that allows you too:
- access the progression of grade-level performance expectations defined by your state’s standards-based achievement level descriptors,
- analyze student performance by achievement level,
- plan instruction so all students have the opportunity to learn and meet the expectations for their highest levels of achievement, and
- analyze student progress and identify target standards for growth.
NSCAS-Math Reference Sheets (For Use with NSCAS-Math Practice Test and Operational Test):
Mathematics Reference Sheet (English)
Mathematics Reference Sheet (Spanish)
Note: A reference sheet is not needed for 3rd Grade
Nota: No se necesita una hoja de referencia para 3er grado
NSCAS Math Table of Specifications
The table of specifications indicates the range in the number of assessment items included for each standards indicator. An adaptive test is constrained to make sure each student receives items within the identified ranges.
NSCAS Math Sample Test (Item Type Sampler)
For Grade 3-8 sample tests (called Item Type Samplers), visit the NWEA Nebraska Portal.
Please Note: The information below was developed for the NeSA assessment, but is still applicable for NSCAS
NeSA CCR Math Item & Scoring Samplers
NSCAS Math Documents
For general assessment questions , contact Statewide Assessment.
For more information about NSCAS Mathematics, contact Bridgette Stevens, Mathematics Education Specialist.