Youth@Work-The U.S. Equal Opportunity (EEOC) Website for Youth in the Workplace
Youth@Work is the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) website for youth in the workforce. The EEOC’s goal is to eliminate illegal discrimination from the workplace for all workers.
This website is designed to teach young workers about some of their rights and responsibilities as an employee.
The site contains a wealth of information and classroom materials to help workplace experience/work-based learning coordinators inform student learners who will be placed in a work setting about different types of discrimination affecting young workers and what they can do to help prevent discrimination in the workplace.
Be an informed employee – Know your real world rights and responsibilities!

The Youth@Work website is part of EEOC’s Youth@Work program – a national education and outreach campaign to promote equal employment opportunity for America’s next generation of workers. In addition to this website, the Youth@Work program includes (1) free outreach events and (2) partnerships with industry, education, and human resource leaders.
Materials on the site are in English and Spanish.
Specific sections to explore on the site include:
- What is Employment Discrimination?
- Laws enforced by the EEOC
- Employee rights
- Employee responsibilities
- Filing a complaint
- Real EEOC cases
- Challenge Yourself!
- About the EEOC
- Videos
- Fact Sheets
- Classroom Materials