Why Workplace Experiences
While students generally know about their parents’ or guardians’ work, they lack the full understanding of workplace expectations that lead to a successful career. Our current economic environment, along with increasing activities for high school youth, has resulted in only 36% of high school students participating in the labor force (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Work Activity of 2016 High School Graduates, 2016, USDL-17-0477).
This is problematic since, in many cases, the job a student takes after graduating from high school or college is the first work experience for them! This may result in a steeper learning curve for these graduates and potential issues with employers due to the lack of prior experience in the workplace.
Quality Workplace Experiences
Providing quality Workplace Experiences is a proactive approach to bridging the gap between education and High skill, High wage, High demand (H3) careers. At their core, Workplace Experiences are about meeting students where they are in their development and helping them grow their future. Quality Workplace Experiences begin by helping develop a broad understanding and awareness of businesses and industries and the possible careers that are available to them with the right set of skills and knowledge.

Career and Technical Education (CTE)
CTE provides students of all ages with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. In 2017, 98,636 or 71% of Nebraska high school students participated in CTE.