English Language Arts Standards
Nebraska's College and Career Ready Standards for English Language Arts
The ability to use language for the pursuit of knowledge, for purposeful expression, and for active participation in civic life requires academic content standards that are clearly defined and increasingly rigorous across grade levels. The Nebraska English Language Arts standards encompass a wide range of essential skills in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The standards, both individually and as an integrated whole, describe not only expectations for college, career, and civic readiness, but the 21st century literacies necessary for critical and innovative thinking and problem solving. The progression of skills within each strand are research and evidence-based and designed to prepare Nebraska’s students for post-secondary and workforce demands.
Key Instructional Shifts for Quality Implementation CCR Standards
Recent revisions and updates to Nebraska content standards, per Nebraska Revised Statute 79-760.01, require a number of key shifts that require thoughtful changes in instruction. An overview is provided in the key instructional shifts in the subject areas of English Language Arts.
ELA Standards Resources
2021 Range Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) Grade 1-12 (Excel)
ELA Standards Crosswalk (Excel file)
K-5 Foundations of Reading Crosswalk (Excel File)
Student Friendly Standards by Grade Level
Kindergarten One-Pager (PDF)
Grade 1 One-Pager (PDF)
Grade 2 One-Pager (PDF)
Grade 3 One-Pager (PDF)
Grade 4 One-Pager (PDF)
Grade 5 One-Pager (PDF)
ELA Rollout Sessions
ELA Rollout Session 1 (PowerPoint)
ELA Rollout Session 1 Note catcher (Word)
ELA Rollout Session 2 (PowerPoint)
ELA Rollout Session 2 Note catcher (Word)
ELA Rollout Session 3 (PowerPoint)
ELA Rollout Session 4 (PowerPoint)