State Career and Technical Education Funding

Nebraska’s State Career and Technical Education (CTE) funds were appropriated with the passage of Legislative Bill 814, effective July 1, 2023. The funds will be distributed between secondary and postsecondary schools according to the formula used to distribute federal Perkins funds (as of the 22-23 school year), except each school district will receive at least $7,500.

Additional Information & Resources

Eligible recipients include each school district. Additionally, each postsecondary institution that received funds through the formula used to distribute federal Perkins funding for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

Each eligible recipient will serve as the fiscal agent for their State CTE allocation.

State CTE funds are intended to improve and expand high-quality CTE learning opportunities for all students. State CTE activities should align with the recipient’s reVISION outcomes and Local Perkins application (either as an individual district/college or part of a consortium).

Such expenditures may represent any allowable use of Perkins funds, in addition to the following:

  • Basic Tools
  • Career and Technical Student Organizations (including expenses for advisors/sponsors such as conference registration and travel, and expenses for students, including uniforms)
  • Student CTE industry recognized certification exams
  • Consumable supplies and equipment for approved CTE programs
  • Direct assistance to students to participate in CTE programming (e.g., transportation costs)
  • Marketing/promotional expenses for CTE programs
  • Membership/dues, subscriptions, and professional activities

Districts will need to complete a payment request within GMS based on the uploaded State CTE Budget. This budget with anticipated costs for which CTE state funds will be used should support the activities and strategies proposed throughout the reVISION local needs assessment. The budget template can be found here.

The State CTE funds will be distributed to LEAs upon submission of the reimbursement request. Unused State CTE funds may not be carried forward into another fiscal year.

Questions? Contact Katie Graham at or 402-937-2809.

Updated May 21, 2024 9:30am