NCE Model and Career Clusters

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NCE Model Poster (no pathways)

The Nebraska Career Education Model highlights four key areas to provide a way for:

  • students to explore the diversity of career options available to them.
  • students to begin to prepare for their career with plans for secondary and post-secondary education.
  • schools to organize curriculum into Programs of Study that prepare students for opportunities in Nebraska’s economy.

1.  Core Academics/College and Career Readiness

At the center of the NCE Model is the expectation for all students to develop a solid academic core. The next ring identifies specific College and Career Readiness Standards and practices that prepare students for success in post-secondary education as well as entrepreneurship/employment.

2.  Career Fields

The six career fields represent broad sectors of the job market on which students may choose to focus.

3.  Career Clusters

Each career field is composed of career clusters. The clusters are more specific segments of the labor market. Each cluster is a grouping of careers that focus on similar subjects or similar skills. A basic understanding and exploration of each of the clusters will provide students with a solid foundation for career decision-making to conceptualize the entire world of work.

4.  Employability and Entrepreneurship

Career Education provides the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills for both employment and entrepreneurship. The reality for Nebraska and the United States is that entrepreneurship will help ensure our economic growth and vitality. By infusing entrepreneurship competencies, Career Education is helping to create the next generation of America’s innovators and entrepreneurs.

Updated December 10, 2024 8:30am