Since 2012, the NDE’s reVISION process has been instrumental in improving and strengthening CTE in Nebraska! This process provides Nebraska schools with the opportunity to analyze and transform their current CTE systems in order to improve their ability to educate a qualified workforce that meets industry needs within an ever-changing economy. Every district and community college in the state now has the opportunity to complete this process or update what they have already done with the passage of The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V). Given the success and reach of reVISION over the years, this process has been updated and expanded to meet new required elements of the Act.
reVISION for the Future
reVISION is used as the foundation for local CTE implementation – it drives the local application development for LEAs and future spending decisions. It should be seen as a chance to take an in-depth look at your entire local and regional CTE system and identify areas where targeted improvements can lead to increased opportunities for student success. reVISION, if implemented thoughtfully, can also be a powerful opportunity to engage stakeholders in a common understanding and vision for the future of CTE in your community.
Ultimately, reVISION is about assisting all recipients in making a more formal shift from collecting data to using data to ensure local CTE programs help create success for students and employers. The activities of reVISION should become a regular part of the overall region’s data-driven, decision-making and program improvement cycles. By fully integrating the Perkins V reVISION process into routine activities, recipients are able to realize the full value of the process.
Every district and community college in Nebraska desiring to operate as an approved CTE program and receive Perkins funds is required to actively participate in the reVISION process.
Districts and colleges that complete the reVISION process are eligible for additional reVISION Action Grant opportunities to support local CTE program improvement. These grants are available to eligible recipients or combination of recipients who have completed reVISION, whether or not they are part of a Perkins consortia.
NDE strongly believes the results of successful participation in reVISION leads to stronger coordination across programs and ultimately, improved outcomes for students and Nebraska!
reVISION Process Workbook
Each district and community college in Nebraska aiming to operate an approved Career and Technical Education program and receive Perkins funds must engage in the reVISION process. This includes those consorting with other recipients or ESUs. This fulfills the Perkins V requirement for a comprehensive local needs assessment, updated at least every two years.
Currently, no updates are required. However, the reVISION Workbook remains available on our website for ongoing reference. This resource helps analyze and reflect on the six elements of the process, ensuring your applications and budgets are well-prepared based on identified strengths and weaknesses.
If you have any questions, please contact Therese Marzouk at
reVISION Resources
The following documents and resources may be helpful throughout your reVISION process:
For information on Top 10 High Wage, High Demand, High Skill occupations, visit:
To find local/regional Indian Tribe and Tribal Organization representatives,
To contact a Youth Corrections Education Representative, please reach out to
LaDonna Jones-Dunlap, Systems Involved Youth Specialist:
What is reVISION?
reVISION is the Nebraska Department of Education’s process that provides Nebraska schools with the opportunity to analyze and transform their current career and technical education (CTE) systems in order to improve their ability to educate a qualified workforce that meets the industry needs within an ever-changing economy. Every district in the state now has the opportunity to complete this process or update what they’ve already done with the passage of The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).
One of the most significant changes in Perkins V is the new requirement for local recipients (each school district) to conduct a comprehensive local needs assessment (CLNA) and update it at least every two years. Because the reVISION process has been instrumental in improving and strengthening CTE in Nebraska schools for over a decade, reVISION has been updated and expanded to meet the new required elements of Perkins V.
Does every district and community college have to complete the new needs assessment process (reVISION)?
Yes, each individual school district and/or community college in Nebraska desiring to operate as an approved CTE program and receive Perkins funds is required to actively participate in the reVISION process. There are some components of the process that will be done individually, some regionally, and some with assistance from NDE staff. If you consort with an ESU, you are still required to participate in reVISION.
What does the process entail?
reVISION is comprised of a series of data and analysis questions for six required elements:
Element 1: Career Development
Element 2: Local Workforce Alignment (completed during the regional meeting)
Element 3: Size, Scope, and Quality & Implementing Programs of Study
Element 4: Student Performance Data
Element 5: Recruitment, Retention, and Training of Faculty and Staff
Element 6: Work-based Learning
reVISION is about assisting all schools and colleges in making a more formal shift from collecting data to using data to ensure local CTE programs help create success for students and employers.
Each local school district and community college will complete a Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment and regional CTE Assessment. Using this summary, they will complete their four-year plan for CTE and upload it into the GMS.
What if there are existing efforts where my district is collecting the same data?
There are many areas that overlap with other efforts already happening in your schools and districts. It is encouraged to capitalize on this existing work so as not to duplicate efforts.
What if our district is in a Perkins Consortium?
If your district or community college consorts for Perkins purposes with a group of schools, an ESU or community college, you are still required to actively participate in the reVISION process per the new legislation to be considered eligible for any Perkins funds or Perkins funded programs. NDE has created a process that is manageable and reduces as much burden to locals as possible while still meeting all provisions of the law. Once all of the assessments are complete, stand-alone districts, ESUs, community colleges, and other Perkins consortia will formulate their four year plan and annual funding application based on the needs identified throughout the process.
What is the role of the ESU?
ESUs will continue to serve as consortia leads, if so desired, and submit the consortia’s four-year plan and serve as the Perkins fiscal agent for their region. They will not be responsible for the needs assessment (reVISION) process as, per the law, each participating district must actively participate in this process (in other words, the ESUs cannot do this in lieu of each district participating). NDE will work closely with the ESUs to ensure each district is supported in completing all required components. This work could not be done without the immense support and leadership from ESUs.
What if we choose not to participate in reVISION?
If an individual district or or college chooses not to actively participate in reVISION, they will not be eligible for any Perkins funding or participation in any Perkins-funded programs until the needs assessments have been completed. Just as in years past, there are minimum requirements and qualifications to participate in Perkins. In Perkins V, the completion of reVISION is one of those requirements.
Do community colleges have to participate?
Yes- there are specific components each community college must complete individually and as part of an economic development region to be eligible for Perkins funds.
Will we now be eligible (or eligible again) for reVISION Action Grant funds?
We are currently redesigning our reVISION Action Grant opportunities to take into account these new processes and statewide needs. There will be additional Action Grant opportunities in the future for everyone who successfully completed the process.