NE Career Development Model

NCE Career Development Model image

The Nebraska Career Development Model consists of three segments:


Self-Awareness skills refer to individuals gaining the ability to identify their interests, skills and work values. Self-awareness includes understanding one’s own mastery level of career readiness (employability) skills. This enhanced self-awareness paves the way to effectively explore careers and identify personal career goals with the best fit.

Components of Self-Awareness

Nebraska Career Readiness Standards (Employability Skills)
Nebraska Career Readiness Standards are employability skills.  Every person needs these transferable skills to be successful at school, at work and in life.

Career and Academic Assessment
Career and academic assessments identify strengths from a variety of perspectives to find careers that are the best-fit.

Self-Awareness ResourcesResources  Self-Awareness Lesson PlansLesson Plans

Career Exploration

Career exploration skills consists of learning how to identify and analyze various career options in terms of what education, training, experience and competencies are required for success. Exploration includes learning directly in workplaces to discover what it may be like to work in different occupations. It also involves learning how to evaluate how well a career matches or fits one’s own interests, skills, strengths and work values.

Components of Career Exploration

Career Education Strategies
Nebraska Career Education (NCE) offers career information, career development resources and Career Technical Education (CTE) programs of study so students can turn their passion, talent and abilities into successful careers and fulfilling lives.

Labor Market Information
Career choices should consider talents and passions; however, the economy determines income and job openings. It is a high-risk decision to select and prepare for occupations with limited career opportunities. Be mindful of labor market information.

Workplace Experiences
Learning in a workplace is one of the best ways to determine if a career choice is a good fit.

Career Exploration ResourcesResources  Career Exploration Lesson PlansLesson Plans

Career Planning and Management

Nearly all careers require training and education beyond high school.  Knowledge of a wide variety of postsecondary options is important for students and parents to realize.   All postsecondary college and career options have entrance requirements, application processes, financial aid or other cost considerations. Career planning and management is about identifying goals with the best-fit, then creating an action plan (a Personal Learning Plan) to accomplish those goals.

Components of Career Planning and Management

College and Career Options
Every student should graduate from high school plus have the tools and opportunities to acquire postsecondary education and training appropriate to their career goal.

Personal Learning Plans & Portfolios
Planning is an essential step toward accomplishing any goal.

Career Planning and Management ResourcesResources  Career Planning and Management Lesson PlansLesson Plans

Updated November 8, 2019 1:55pm