Self-Awareness Lesson Plans
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Becoming a Good Friend-Kindergarten
- Students will communicate a variety of qualities of a good friend.
- Students will demonstrate a variety of ways to be a good friend.
- Students will use strategies to build working relationships with others.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
Character Needed for a Career
- Students will recognize that their actions demonstrate their character.
- Students will state character traits they are practicing in elementary that are necessary for a future career.
- Students will explain how good character traits are important career readiness skills.
Career Standards
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Manages personal career development
- Students will explore likes and dislikes.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Manages personal career development
Being Responsible-1st grade
- Students will describe how showing responsible behaviors, builds trustworthy relationships.
- Students will predict consequences of not demonstrating responsible behaviors.
- Students will identify age-appropriate responsibilities.
- Students will explore strategies that can help them to be more responsible.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Contributes to employer and community success
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will relate the concepts of cooperation and teamwork.
- Students will demonstrate cooperation by working together for a common cause and sharing the benefits.
- Students will interpret how it feels to help someone and to have someone help them.
- Students will assess the importance of communication when cooperating with others.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
- Students will recognize that basic educational skills are necessary in occupations throughout the community.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Manages personal career development
- Students will explore different jobs throughout the community.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Contributes to employer and community success
Demonstrates innovation and creativity
- Students will identify tasks they like and dislike.
- Students will associate that some people pick jobs because they include doing tasks they like.
Career Standards
Contributes to employer and community success
Uses critical thinking
Demonstrates innovation and creativity
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
- Students will identify activities and interests related to careers.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
Uses critical thinking
Demonstrates innovation and creativity
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Resolving Conflicts-2nd grade
- Students will recall why it is important to be calm when trying to resolve conflict.
- Students will describe how resolving conflicts requires one to be open-minded and to listen to the other person’s side.
- Student will evaluate why compromise is a good strategy to resolving conflicts.
- Students will demonstrate “I” statements rather than “You” statements when discussing a problem.
- Students will demonstrate deep breathing to calm and to control their emotions.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
- Students will interpret the meaning of respect.
- Students will cite examples of respectful behavior.
- Students will give examples of respect at home, at school, in the community and at a job in the future.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will identify activities and interests related to careers.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Uses critical thinking
Demonstrates innovation and creativity
Manages personal career development
Becoming a Good Friend-3rd grade
- Students will recognize the behaviors of a responsible student.
- Students will evaluate the importance of being responsible.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
Uses critical thinking
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
Being Responsible-3rd grade
- Students will recognize the behaviors of a responsible student.
- Students will evaluate the importance of being responsible.
- Students will identify actions at school, at home, or in the community that would result in negative consequences.
- Students will explain an appropriate way to accept responsibility for their actions and/or respond to a consequence that is blamed on them.
- Students will anticipate what could happen if no consequences were attributed to inappropriate behaviors.
- The student will generate examples of how to be responsible to self, family friends, and the community.
- Students will evaluate how taking responsibility at a job in the workplace is important to career success.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Contributes to employer and community success
Uses critical thinking
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will generalize how working with others can make a task easier.
- Students will demonstrate skills needed to be a good teammate.
- Students will point out jobs and future careers that require people to work as a team.
Career Standards
Contributes to employer and community success
Uses critical thinking
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
Matching Careers to College & Career Ready Behaviors
- Students will self-reflect about their own career skills before and after the lesson (pre-test and post-test).
- Students will label skills used in both college and careers.
- Students will describe skills in their own words and role play skills.
- Students will match different knowledge and skills needed for different careers.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Contributes to employer and community success
Demonstrates innovation and creativity
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- The student will explore activities to participate in based on strengths and interests.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Utilizes technology
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will become aware of how their background and experiences affect the way they view the world and interact with other people.
- Students will identify and practice the kind, careful, and responsible behaviors of a “Good Digital Citizen.”
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Contributes to employer and community success
Uses critical thinking
Utilizes technology
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will identify examples of positive and negative peer pressure.
- Students will develop strategies to resist negative peer pressure.
- Students will provide examples of how to negotiating peer pressure in various situations at school, in the community and at workplaces.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
Uses critical thinking
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
Resolving Conflicts-4th grade
- Students will define the word conflict and the word resolution.
- Students will identify a conflict when they encounter one.
- Students will list different strategies used to resolve a conflict.
- Students will recognize conflicts can arise at school, during activities at school or in the community and at workplaces.
- Students will justify why it is important to be prepared with conflict resolution skills for college and career readiness.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
Career Field Interest Inventory
- Students will use the results of an informal interest inventory to help explore career strengths and interests.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Uses critical thinking
Manages personal career development
- Students will define respect.
- Students will generate examples of ways we show respect at school, at home, and in the community.
- Students will predict consequence of not being respectful at school, at home, or in the community.
- Students will identify why respect is important to career readiness and being successful at different jobs in a variety of workplaces.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Contributes to employer and community success
Uses critical thinking
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will evaluate personal and ethical skills needed to work with a diverse group of people.
- Students will analyze what skills are effective for teamwork and why teamwork is important at school and at workplaces.
- Students will self-reflect on their own teamwork abilities.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Contributes to employer and community success
Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
Uses critical thinking
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
Discover My Activities Related to Careers
- Students will use the results of an informal career assessment to gain additional information and considerations for their own career decision-making.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Uses critical thinking
Utilizes technology
Manages personal career development
- Students will create a visual representation of goals they want to accomplish during high school.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Demonstrates innovation and creativity
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will outline essential information needed on a resume.
- Students will create a resume.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Contributes to employer and community success
Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
Uses critical thinking
Demonstrates innovation and creativity
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Utilizes technology
Manages personal career development
- Students will appraise their attitudes toward punctuality.
- Students will analyze the importance of being on time and showing up to work.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Contributes to employer and community success
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will use conflict resolution strategies to mediate interpersonal conflict.
- Students will use conflict resolution strategies at school and during workplace experiences.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will use an effective relaxation technique to cope with stress.
- Students will recognize and document their own indicators of stress.
Career Standards
Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
Exploring Career through Photography
- Students will examine how individual priorities and purposes influence career choices (career values).
- Students will synthesize how careers choices may represent different things to different people to achieve career values.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Uses critical thinking
Demonstrates innovation and creativity
Utilizes technology
Manages personal career development
- Students will recognize the impact of peer pressure.
- Student will identify strategies to resist negative peer pressure.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
- Students will demonstrate effective stress management techniques.
- Students will learn how to identify different kinds of stress and how to cope while at school and in the workplace.
Career Standards
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
The Soundtrack of My Life
- Students will creatively express themselves through music and art activities.
- Students will make tangible connections between their favorite songs and their own personality traits or life events.
- Students will orally present their soundtracks to the class and explain these connections.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Demonstrates innovation and creativity
Manages personal career development
- Students will plan future goals through self-reflective writing.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Uses critical thinking
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
Blue Collar and Proud of It
- Students will identify categories of jobs known as “blue collar” occupations.
- Students will assess the opportunities and advantages of these types of occupations as viable careers in the current labor market.
- Students will investigate labor market information and demand for occupations.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Manages personal career development
- Students will evaluate how their family and/or extended family may or may not be an influence on their own career choices and decisions.
- Students will conduct interviews to gather information regarding specific careers within the family and/or extended family structure.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Uses critical thinking
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will use creativity to express self-awareness.
- Student will present a visual product to the class.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Demonstrates innovation and creativity
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will demonstrate verbal communication consistent with their nonverbal communication.
- Students will predict potential communication problems when verbal and nonverbal communication does not align.
- Students will evaluate the relationship between the verbal and nonverbal communication of others.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Manages personal career development
- Students will use reflective listening techniques to improve their communication skills.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Manages personal career development
Social Class & Fitting In
- Students will demonstrate awareness of the potential effects of social class.
- Students will evaluate the impact of cultural knowledge, cultural awareness and tolerance on career success.
- Students will consider the importance of civic duty/responsibility in their own community.
Career Standards
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will outline different categories of stereotypes.
- Students will anticipate and/or describe how stereotypes affect people.
Career Standards
Contributes to employer and community success
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will identify the sources of stress in their lives.
- Students will identify the ways that they can cope with stress.
- Students will increase college and career readiness by expanding their strategies to cope with stress in school and work.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will explore their personal beliefs and values that guide their lives and ethics.
- Students will develop an awareness of the beliefs and values of their peers.
Career Standards
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will analyze how they use time and how it impacts their ability to achieve goals.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Contributes to employer and community success
Uses critical thinking
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will compare differences and similarities between self-perceptions and perceptions from others.
Career Standards
Uses critical thinking
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
How Do You Define “Friend?”
- Students will compare and contrast their own values about friendship to those of a peer.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will conduct phone calls to inquire about potential jobs of interest.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Manages personal career development
- Students will explore their own work values, priorities and interests.
Career Standards
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Demonstrates innovation and creativity
Manages personal career development
- Students will analyze ways in which their family history, culture, ethnicity, and environment has helped shape who they are today.
- Students will reflect and judge the amount of influence the past has their current goals for the future.
Career Standards
Demonstrates innovation and creativity
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Utilizes technology
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will summarize how fears can inhibit their decisions about career, and even their willingness to explore it.
- Students will analyze how their values and career barriers interact.
- Students will discover that a difficult economy can make it hard to negotiate.
Career Standards
Manages personal career development
Attends to personal and financial well-being
- Students will examine their short and long-term goals and the assets they might have in their lives that would help them achieve these goals.
- Students will write a short narrative explaining how they intend to connect their personal assets to goal achievement.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Models ethical leadership and effective management
Manages personal career development
Writing Emails That Matter
- Students will write and send a professional email.
- Students will demonstrate writing conventions related to writing professional emails.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Communicates effectively and appropriately
Manages personal career development
- Students will compare the relationship between school habits and work habits
- Students will illustrate the relationship of their own values and beliefs related to school and career success.
Career Standards
Applies appropriate academic and technical skills
Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
Uses critical thinking
Manages personal career development
October 26, 2018 11:58am