2025 Test Window
January 27, 2025 – March 14, 2025
English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21) and Alt ELPA
As required by ESSA and Rule 15, districts must annually assess the English proficiency of all English learners. All students designated as English learners on ADVISER, must participate in ELPA21 testing.
The vast majority of English learners in Nebraska will participate in the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21) but English learners with the most significant cognitive disabilities may participate in the Alt ELPA instead. The Alt ELPA is being field tested in 2023 and will be fully operational beginning in 2024. English learners eligible for NSCAS alternate assessments will most likely participate in the Alt ELPA and there are participation guidelines to help identify Alt ELPA participants for grades K-2, 9-10, and 12.
Accommodations are available to eligible students for both assessments and DACs concerned about a student with a disability that would prohibit access to a domain subtest of ELPA21, for example, in the case of a deaf student being unable to hear the Listening subtest, should contact the NDE Title III office for further guidance.
For more information on the English Learners program, please click the link below.
NDE Title III Contact
Julie Otero, Title III Director, ELL Programs and Assessment
Nebraska ELPA 21 Help Desk