Community Partnerships

Goals, Action Steps and Progress

Goal 1 Progess 75%
Recommended Action Step 1. Prepare several forms of Communication (PowerPoint, Flyers, Posters, Web Pages etc.) about the Digital Learning and Ed Tech plan for sharing at meetings and events so a consistent message is developed and shared with stakeholders. (Q2 2018, 2019, & 2020, NDE & FRNC)

Recommended Action Step 2. Deliver presentations to several conferences, meetings and events to share the plan as widely as possible. (Q3 2018, 2019, 2020, NDE, ESUCC, ESU’s & FRNC)

Recommended Action Step 3. Future Ready Council members will meet with their legislative representative to share information about the Digital Learning and Ed. Tech plan and encourage support for its goals. (Q4 2018, 2019, 2020, FRNC)

Recommended Action Step 4. Explore options to host a statewide Future Ready Summit that would engage Nebraska educators and Nebraska education leaders. (Q4 2018, FRNC & NDE)

Goal 2 Progress 50%

Recommended Action Step 1. Develop a toolbox to assist schools in the work of forming a local community partnerships and creating opportunities. (Q1 2019, NDE & ESU’s)

Recommended Action Step 2. Create a community committee to help create and execute the vision of current school technology initiatives and goals. (Q2 2019, ESU’s & District’s)

Recommended Action Step 3. Partner with postsecondary institutions to integrate digital learning best practices into pre-service coursework and to increase digital learning pedagogy course offerings for preservice educators. (Q4 2019, NDE & Higher Ed)

Recommended Action Step 4. Develop partnerships between K-12 systems, postsecondary institutions, libraries and other community partners that enable opportunities to learn from each other and share resources to enrich digital learning opportunities. (Q1 2020, NDE, Higher Ed., ESU’s & FRNC)

Recommended Action Step 5. Build partnerships with higher education, college board and other educational services to provide students with dual credit, AP courses and industry certification opportunities. (Q3 2020, ESU’s & Districts)

Goal 3 Progress 0%
Recommended Action Step 1. Provide an easily accessible “clearinghouse” of community learning resources which is searchable and includes categories, descriptions, and contact information. (Q4 2018, NDE & FRNC)

Recommended Action Step 2. Identify local business and industries that could benefit from an increase in digital learning opportunities within the community and share resources. (Q1 2019, ESU’s & Districts)

Recommended Action Step 3. Identify or develop opportunities or workplace experiences that could provide students with career readiness skills related to technology which allow them to be productive employees of local business and industry. (Q4 2019, Districts and ESU’s)

Goal 4 Progress 0%

Recommended Action Step 1. Build relationships with Higher Ed and National organizations to promote the development of Computer Science education throughout Nebraska. (Q2 2018, Higher Ed. & NDE)

Recommended Action Step 2. Establish communication channels between all digital learning stakeholders (i.e. email lists, websites, attendance at meetings/public forums, leveraging collaborative tech tools, etc.) (Q1 2019, NDE, ESU’s & Districts)

Recommended Action Step 3. Continuously engage stakeholder groups to communicate vision and facilitate processes for obtaining access to technology for learning. (Q3 2019, NDE, FRNC, ESU’s & Districts)

Recommended Action Step 4. Identify community, county, school district, and service unit entities that can provide or fund technology for learning in the community and/or homes. (Q1 2020, NDE, FRNC & ESU’s)

Recommended Action Step 5. Identify and work with families in the school district who do not have home access to technology for learning. (Q3 2020, ESU’s & Districts)

Using the Future Ready Goals and Action Steps

Each of the FRNC gear groups has written a comprehensive set of goals and provided recommended action steps supporting their goals to help move digital learning and education technology forward in Nebraska. To assist districts and schools in aligning their work to this plan, icons representing common state and national education initiatives were created and then aligned to each goal and action step. The table below gives guidance to each of the icons used and which initiative the icon represents. In many cases, the goals and action steps identified support work on multiple initiatives and each icon is shown to indicate these matches.

This icon indicates that the Goal or action step is tied to an AQuESTT tenet or work that supports an AQuESTT tenet.
This icon indicates that the Goal or action step is tied to ESSA either as a support of the act or because it is tied to available ESSA monies or grant opportunities.
This icon indicates that this Goal or action step is directly linked to a Goal or action step of another Future Ready Gear.
This icon indicates that this Goal or action step is tied to a recommendation that is found within the 2017 National Education Technology plan.
This icon indicates that this Goal or action step supports a goal or advances the work of a Nebraska State Board of Education goal.

Annual Timelines

Community Partnerships 3 Year Timeline
Q1: Jan. – March Q2: April – June Q3: July – Sept. Q4: Oct. – Dec.
CP1 Communication AS 1. Develop Communication pieces and choose events to share AS 2. Deliver Presentations and share the plan as widely as possible AS 3. Meet with Legislators to share the plan details and goals & AS 4. Begin Future Ready Summit planning (2)
CP2 Partnerships
CP3 Exemplars AS 1. Clearinghouse of community resources
CP4 Build Equity AS 1. Build Computer Science relationships to promote the development of CS education.
Community Partnerships 3 Year Timeline
Q1: Jan. – March Q2: April – June Q3: July – Sept. Q4: Oct. – Dec.
CP1 Communication AS 1. Develop Communication pieces and choose events to share AS 2. Deliver Presentations and share the plan as widely as possible AS 3. Meet with Legislators to share the plan details and goals 
CP2 Partnerships AS 1. Toolbox development on how to form partnerships and create opportunities. AS 2. Creation of Community committees to execute current technology initiatives. AS 3. Partnerships for preservice learning around digital learning best practices and pedagogy
CP3 Exemplars AS 2. Identify business and industries that benefit from an increase digital learning opportunities and share resources. AS 3. Identify and develop opportunities and workplace experiences to provide career readiness skills in technology.
CP4 Build Equity AS 2. Establish Communication channels to digital learnings stakeholders AS 3. Continuously Engage stakeholder groups to communicate vision for obtaining access to technology for learning
Community Partnerships 3 Year Timeline
Q1: Jan. – March Q2: April – June Q3: July – Sept. Q4: Oct. – Dec.
CP1 Communication AS 1. Develop Communication pieces and choose events to share AS 2. Deliver Presentations and share the plan as widely as possible AS 3. Meet with Legislators to share the plan details and goals 
CP2 Partnerships AS 4. Partnerships for sharing community resources amongst postsecondary, libraries etc. to enrich digital learning AS 5. Partnerships with higher ed, college board and other for dual credit, AP courses and certifications
CP3 Exemplars
CP4 Build Equity AS 4.Identify stakeholder groups that can provide assistance to families in obtaining access AS 5. Identify and create assistance to families for home access to technology for learning.
Updated February 5, 2020 1:08pm