Use of Space & Time

Goals, Action Steps and Progress

Goal 1 Progress 50%
Recommended Action Step 1.  Explore opportunities for creating and maintaining physical environments conducive to technology rich collaboration and learning including whole group activities, small group activities and independent learning. (Q1 2019, Districts)

Recommended Action Step 2. Provide extended learning opportunities to students with access to anytime anywhere learning platforms. (i.e. learning management systems, adaptive learning platforms and online courses) (Q3 2019, Districts)

Recommended Action Step 3. Develop coursework that allows for flexibility in the pacing and sequencing for completion (i.e. using competency and/or project based learning) to meet personalized student outcomes. (Q1 2020, Districts)

Recommended Action 4. Provide resources and flexible scheduling opportunities to allow for deeper level application of student learning and allow time for students to create and collaborate around the learning. (Q2 2020, Districts)

Goal 2 Progress 75%
Recommended Action Step 1. Create awareness and encourage the use of a variety of rich digital and distance learning opportunities. (i.e. online field trips, NVIS, online resources, career and technical programs, dual credit). (Q4 2018, NDE, FRNC, ESUCC & ESU’s)

Recommended Action Step 2. Provide educational experiences and assessments that challenge and support mastery of content standards for all students through the use of digital tools (e.g., project based learning, standards-based grading, competency-based education, Blend Ed) (Q2 2019,ESU’s & Districts)

Recommended Action 3. Provide access to AP coursework, dual credit and industry certification coursework using online and distance digital resources. (Q4 2019, ESU’s & Districts)

Goal 3 Progress 100%
Recommended Action Step 1. Research and provide effective implementation models of online and blended courses for digital learning. (Q2 2018, NDE, FRNC, ESUCC, ESU’s & Districts)

Recommended Action Step 2. Demonstrate multiple ways technology is leveraged to provide an enriched learning environment for students and staff. (Q1 2019, NDE, ESUCC, FRNC, ESU’s & Districts)

Recommended Action Step 3. Expand and communicate statewide projects that demonstrate successful personalized learning outcomes. (Q3 2019, NDE, FRNC & ESUCC)

Using the Future Ready Goals and Action Steps

Each of the FRNC gear groups has written a comprehensive set of goals and provided recommended action steps supporting their goals to help move digital learning and education technology forward in Nebraska. To assist districts and schools in aligning their work to this plan, icons representing common state and national education initiatives were created and then aligned to each goal and action step. The table below gives guidance to each of the icons used and which initiative the icon represents. In many cases, the goals and action steps identified support work on multiple initiatives and each icon is shown to indicate these matches.

This icon indicates that the Goal or action step is tied to an AQuESTT tenet or work that supports an AQuESTT tenet.
This icon indicates that the Goal or action step is tied to ESSA either as a support of the act or because it is tied to available ESSA monies or grant opportunities.
This icon indicates that this Goal or action step is directly linked to a Goal or action step of another Future Ready Gear.
This icon indicates that this Goal or action step is tied to a recommendation that is found within the 2017 National Education Technology plan.
This icon indicates that this Goal or action step supports a goal or advances the work of a Nebraska State Board of Education goal.

Annual Timelines

Use of Space and Time 3 Year timeline
Q1: Jan. – March Q2: April – June Q3: July – Sept. Q4: Oct. – Dec.
UST1 Learning Environment
UST2 Learning Pedagogy AS 1. Create awareness and encourage use of a variety of digital and distance learning opportunities
UST3 Exemplars AS 1. Research and provide effective implementation models of online and blended courses
Use of Space and Time 3 Year timeline
Q1: Jan. – March Q2: April – June Q3: July – Sept. Q4: Oct. – Dec.
UST1 Learning Environment AS 1. Explore physical environment changes to create richer learning experiences AS 2. Provide extended learning opportunities with platforms for anywhere anytime learning
UST2 Learning Pedagogy AS 2. Provide educational experiences and assessments that ensure mastery of content standards using digital tools AS 3. Access to AP, Dual Credit and industry certification
UST3 Exemplars AS 2. Demonstrate multiple ways technology is leveraged to provide student and staff centered learning environments AS 3. Expand & communicate statewide projects that demonstrate successful personalized learning outcomes
Use of Space and Time 3 Year timeline
Q1: Jan. – March Q2: April – June Q3: July – Sept. Q4: Oct. – Dec.
UST1 Learning Environment

AS 3. Develop coursework that allows flexibility in pacing and sequencing

AS 4. Resources for flexible scheduling opportunities
UST2 Learning Pedagogy
UST3 Exemplars
Updated February 5, 2020 1:09pm