Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

Goals, Action Steps and Progress

Goal 1 Progress 66%

Recommended Action Step 1. Research, develop, vet, and adopt personalized learning definition and Board Statement. (Q3 2018, NDE & FRNC)

Recommended Action Step 2.  Review Rule 10, Rule 21, Rule 20 and others as needed to identify and recommend updates to effectively implement the goals of the Digital Learning/Ed Tech plan. (Q3 2018, NDE, FRN, ESU’s & Districts)

Recommended Action Step 3.  Clearly communicate changes to Rules; understand misconceptions and concerns and address. (Q1 2019, NDE, ESU’s & FRNC)

Recommended Action Step 4. Investigate options for meeting Dual Credit and AP teacher criteria to increase opportunities for students including digital learning options. (Q3 2019, NDE & ESUCC)  

Goal 2 Progress 49%

Recommended Action Step 1.  Develop resources that assist schools in developing Computer Science Education programs throughout Nebraska. (Q3 2018, NDE, Higher Ed. & ESU’s)

Recommended Action Step 2.  Assist schools in developing school library programs that will provide students an opportunity to develop digital literacy skills. (Q4 2018 NDE, ESU’s & Districts)

  Recommended Action Step 3.  Create a toolbox of resources and exemplars for all content areas incorporating integrated technology standards (i.e. ISTE, STL & AETL) for learners. (Q2 2019, NDE)

Recommended Action Step 4. Incorporate and assess integrated technology standards (e.g. ISTE, STL & AETL) for students, teachers and administrators as part of future district ed tech plans. (Q3 2019, NDE, ESU’s & Districts)

Recommended Action Step 5. Identify public and private sources of funding to ensure statewide, equitable access to all digital learning resources. (Q1 2020, NDE & FRNC)

Recommended Action Step 6.  Integration specialists will be available to schools to implement and provide professional development and coach on the effective use of technology in teaching and learning. (Q2 2020, ESUs & Districts)

Recommended Action Step 7.  Annually review integrated technology standards (i.e. ISTE, STL & AETL) and trends in digital and personalized learning and revise toolbox and resources as needed. (Q3 2020, NDE)

Goal 3 Progress 50%

Recommended Action Step 1.  Begin OER project planning & Train educators on statewide, coordinated, and collaborative reservoir of open resources. (Q1 & Q3 2018 -> ongoing, NDE, ESUs, ESU SDA and TLT)

Recommended Action Step 2.  Find, define, and share exemplars of digital teaching and learning from local and national districts/schools. (Q2 2019, NDE, ESUs, NE<3 Public Schools, self-identified)

Recommended Action Step 3.  Seek partnerships to offer online teacher credit, advancement, and professional growth in technology integration (Q4 2019, NDE, FRNC, ESU’s and districts)

Goal 4 Progress 20%

Recommended Action Step 1.  Find, define, share and create exemplars of digital learning resources for students from districts/schools. (Q1 2019 – ongoing, NDE, districts, ESUs)

Recommended Action Step 2.  Assure resources leveraging technology to create personalized learning experiences are available to meet the individual needs of every student. (Q1 2020, NDE & ESU’s)

Recommended Action Step 3. In district technology plans, districts will demonstrate equitable access to personalized learning resources for all students which includes the use of Universal Design principles as standard practice for digital tool development. (Q2 2020, FRNC, NDE and ESU’s)

Goal 5 Progress 50%
Recommended Action Step 1. Analyze current practices and tools for gathering data on personalized and digital learning and create new measures as necessary. (Q4 2018, NDE, ESUs)

Recommended Action Step 2. Find research and develop partnerships with higher education institutions and private institutions for data collection around personalized and digital learning effectiveness and outcomes. (Q2 2019, NDE, Higher Ed & ESU’s)

Recommended Action Step 3. Integrate findings into the NDE data dashboard and coach educators on effective use of these data to create personalized and digital learning opportunities. (Q4 2019, NDE, ESUs)

Recommended Action Step 4. Educators will use assessment data that enables them to personalize instruction and increase student achievement. (Q3 2020, Districts)

Using the Future Ready Goals and Action Steps

Each of the FRNC gear groups has written a comprehensive set of goals and provided recommended action steps supporting their goals to help move digital learning and education technology forward in Nebraska. To assist districts and schools in aligning their work to this plan, icons representing common state and national education initiatives were created and then aligned to each goal and action step. The table below gives guidance to each of the icons used and which initiative the icon represents. In many cases, the goals and action steps identified support work on multiple initiatives and each icon is shown to indicate these matches.

This icon indicates that the Goal or action step is tied to an AQuESTT tenet or work that supports an AQuESTT tenet.
This icon indicates that the Goal or action step is tied to ESSA either as a support of the act or because it is tied to available ESSA monies or grant opportunities.
This icon indicates that this Goal or action step is directly linked to a Goal or action step of another Future Ready Gear.
This icon indicates that this Goal or action step is tied to a recommendation that is found within the 2017 National Education Technology plan.
This icon indicates that this Goal or action step supports a goal or advances the work of a Nebraska State Board of Education goal.

Annual Timelines

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment 3 Year Timeline
Q1: Jan. – March Q2: April – June Q3: July – Sept. Q4: Oct. – Dec.
CIA1 Regulations AS 1. Personalized Learning definition and Board Statement & AS 2. Rules Review and recommendations (2)
CIA2 Technology in Learning AS 1. Develop resources for schools to develop Computer Science programs. AS 2. Assist schools in developing school library programs to provide digital literacy skills
CIA3 Training & Educator Resources AS 1. Begin OER project Planning and creation of Hub AS 2. Train educators on OER and OER Commons Hub (Ongoing)
CIA4 Online Student Resources
CIA5 Assessment & Research AS 1. Analyze and gather Data on current practices of personalized and digital learning
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment 3 Year Timeline
Q1: Jan. – March Q2: April – June Q3: July – Sept. Q4: Oct. – Dec.
CIA1 Regulations

AS 2. Communicate Rules changes and address misconceptions

AS 3.Investigate options for meeting Dual Credit and AP teacher criteria to increase student opportunities.
CIA2 Technology in Learning AS 3. Create Toolbox of resources and exemplars for integrating integrated tech standards AS 4. Incorporate and assess Integrated Tech standards for students, teachers and administrators as part of technology plan.
CIA3 Training & Educator Resources

AS 3. Find, define and share Digital teaching exemplars

AS 4. Partnerships for online PD for teachers with credit earned, advancement or growth credits
CIA4 Online Student Resources AS 1. Create exemplars of digital learning resources for students.
CIA5 Assessment & Research AS 2. Find research and develop partnerships for data collection around the effectiveness of personalized and digital learning outcomes. AS 3. Use NDE dashboard data around personalized and digital learning with educators
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment 3 Year Timeline
Q1: Jan. – March Q2: April – June Q3: July – Sept. Q4: Oct. – Dec.
CIA1 Regulations
CIA2 Technology in Learning AS 5. Identify sources of public and private funding to ensure equitable statewide access to digital learning resources. AS 6. Integration specialists are available to schools to implement and coach on the effective use of technology in teaching learning. AS 7. Annual Review of Integrated technology standards and trends and revise toolbox and resources as needed.
CIA3 Training & Educator Resources
CIA4 Online Student Resources AS 2. Assure resources leveraging technology to create personalized learning experiences are available. AS 3. Districts technology plans will demonstrate equitable Access to personalized learning resources including Universal Design principles.
CIA5 Assessment & Research

AS 4. Educators use assessment data to personalize instruction and increase student achievement

Updated February 5, 2020 1:08pm