School Improvement

A school improvement process is a systematic on-going process involving planning, implementation, and evaluation and renewal of school improvement activities to meet local and statewide goals and priorities. All accredited schools in Nebraska must have a school improvement process in effect according to Rule 10-009.01. The process includes a periodic review by visiting educators who provide consultation to the local school/community in continued accomplishment of plans and a goals. In accordance with Rule 10-009.01B each school must have an external team visit at least once each five years.

Nebraska Framework Handbook * External Visit Guide

The Nebraska Framework

The “Nebraska Framework” is a handbook to help schools in the school improvement process. School districts can use the Continuous Improvement Technical Assistance Rubric as they continue to develop their school improvement process.

External Team Visit: A Support Guide for Host Schools and External Team Leaders

Schools hosting an external visit as well as External Team Leaders will find the “External Team Visit: A Support Guide for Host Schools and External Team Leaders” helpful in preparing for the visit. A checklist, orientation powerpoint, template for the external team report, and an exit report powerpoint have been developed to further aid external team leaders. (After opening the files, please save them to your computer before editing.)


Updated August 5, 2022 8:44am