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Toolkit for ESSA

Stakeholder Engagement Sessions: Toolkit for Facilitators

The documents included on this page are designed to assist you with engaging stakeholders across our state. You will be able to access a brief history of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and several activities centered around the themes of equity, effective educators and a well-rounded education. A Facilitator’s Guide, PowerPoint, definition of terms related to district and school classification are also included, and more.

We appreciate your efforts to engage as many across our state as possible in conversations and discussions. We hope each stakeholder can provide input and feedback to the Nebraska Department of Education. Our goal is that all Nebraskans are aware of, and share, the strategic priorities of our State Board of Education to ensure the earning, learning and living of all Nebraskans. Thanks for your help!


Stakeholder Facilitator Guide

Stakeholder Engagement Forums PowerPoint

Participant Handout Bundle

Characteristics of an Effective Educator

Effective Educator Sorting Activity, Format A

Effective Educator Sorting Activity, Format B

Stakeholder Engagement Evaluation Form

Stakeholder Engagement Group Recommendation Form

Updated July 15, 2024 4:57pm