Special Education Training
Each person who applies for a teaching or administrative permit will be required to meet the Special Education Requirement as outlined in Nebraska Revised Statute 79-807. The requirement can be met by taking coursework or through employment experience. The following is a list of what coursework or employment experience must contain to meet the requirement.
- The exceptional needs of the disabilities defined under the Special Education Act.
- The major characteristics of each disability in order to recognize its existence in children.
- The various alternatives for providing the least restrictive environment for children with disabilities.
- Methods of teaching children with disabilities in the regular classroom.
- Pre-referral alternatives, referral systems, multidisciplinary team responsibilities, the individualized education plan process and the placement process.
Writing and Submitting a Narrative for the Special Education Training Requirement
Your narrative must be affirmed and/or validated by the signature of a supervisor who is familiar with your employment experience. The narrative must be a least one detailed typed page for each skill. Each skill must be addressed from the stand point of what you specifically have done to acquire the skill. Please communicate with your analyst to determine whether you qualify to meet the Special Education Training Requirement through writing a narrative.
Five Skills Required for the Special Education Training Requirement
Knowledge of the exceptional needs of the disabilities defined under the Special Education Act. These are caused by physical, sensory, or intellectual impairment, inappropriate behavior, learning disabilities, and/or speech/language impairment
Knowledge of the major characteristics of each disability in order to recognize its existence in children
Knowledge of various alternatives for providing the least restrictive environment for children with disabilities
Knowledge of methods of teaching students with disabilities in the regular classroom; and
Knowledge of pre-referral alternatives, referral systems, multidisciplinary team responsibilities, the individualized education plan process, and the placement process.
Format to Use When Writing a Narrative
First Skill: Knowledge of the exceptional needs of the disabilities defined under the Special Education Act. These are caused by physical, sensory, or intellectual impairment, inappropriate behavior, learning disabilities, and/or speech/language impairment.
I have taught in three different schools over the last fourteen years and during that time I have seen all the disabilities in one form or another, and the various ways schools have attempted to address them. In my own classes I have learned “on the job” how to work effectively with students with mental limitations, learning disabilities and behavior disturbances. While I am not an expert in this area, I have achieved the competency and confidence needed to teach special needs students and to work with special education teachers.
I have gained great understanding of these children and their families and siblings.
Second skill: Continue with each skill as indicated above.
Sign your name and include your social security number.
Having personal knowledge of (NAME) employment experiences, I hereby verify that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge.
NOTE: Your narrative must be affirmed and validated by the signature of a supervisor who is familiar with your employment experience. Your narrative will need substantially more detail than the example above.