Public Participation
Pursuant to State Board of Education Board Operating Policy 1.06 – The Board establishes the following procedures with regard to public participation in the meetings of the Board.
The published agenda of meetings of the Board shall contain an item identified as public comment period. This period may be available to any person who wishes to address the Board on any matter on the agenda. Up to ninety minutes will be allowed for public comment period. A majority of members present and voting may take action to extend the total amount of time allowed for the public comment period. A majority of members present and voting may also take action to allow or terminate public comment at any time during a meeting. Each person may address the Board for up to five minutes. A majority of members present and voting may take action to reduce or extend the amount of individual time allotted to all speakers. If at any time persons appearing before the Board exceed the time limitations set forth in this policy or on the agenda, or become abusive or threatening in language or behavior, it shall be the responsibility of the President to refuse permission to continue to address the Board.
Each individual speaking to the Board will be required to complete a “Sign-in” card for identification of oneself. Individuals are required to include on the Sign-In card their name, address, and name of any organization represented. Individuals may be prohibited to speak in public comment if the Sign-In card does not include the required information. Persons speaking to the Board during public comment should state their name, city, and state at the beginning of their allotted time and may submit printed materials for the Board but may not use any other form of media. Anyone refusing to be identified will be prohibited from speaking.
Generally, Board members will not engage in dialogue during the public comment period. A Board member may request from the President to ask a clarifying question of a public comment speaker for the purpose of understanding a point or statement made by the speaker. Asking a clarifying question should not result in extended dialogue.
Persons may address the Board for public comment purposes by written submission in lieu of live testimony. Such written submissions must be provided 24 hours prior to the start of the public meeting where public comment is scheduled, or by close of business of the Thursday prior to any meeting scheduled for a Monday and is limited to 750 words. Written public comments submitted in accordance with these requirements will be provided to the Board members and become part of the record of the meeting, but will not be read aloud during the meeting.