Resources By Topic
Administration with Sound Management and Well-Developed Systems
Quality 21st CCLC programs are led by prepared individuals who work to ensure the implementation of high-quality programs. This includes the health and safety of students, hiring and training staff, and a program design that supports student learning. Program leaders develop partnerships with community members that enhance learning opportunities and ensure program sustainability, as well as provide ongoing opportunities for meaningful family engagement. Program leaders are also responsible for managing program budgets, and oversight of a continuous improvement evaluation process that includes ongoing data collection, reporting and analysis.
College/Career Awareness and Readiness
Quality 21st CCLC programs provide time outside of the regular school day for students to connect in meaningful ways with program staff, school-day educators, colleges/universities, and local business and industry to develop interests and skills for future success. Ongoing opportunities afterschool and in the summer build confidence, encourage personal responsibility, help students discover college/career options, and develop knowledge and behaviors that are critical to success in school and in life.
Community-School Partnerships and Resource Sharing
Quality 21st CCLC programs intentionally build and support collaborative relationships with schools, local community members and leaders, businesses, and organizations committed to partnering with afterschool programs. These important partnerships support program planning, implementation, and funding for program improvement and sustainability.
Diverse, Prepared Staff Including Certificated Educators
Quality 21st CCLC programs recruit and retain high quality staff and volunteers who are focused on creating a positive and engaging learning environment. Staff members are diverse in their backgrounds and are representative of the student population that is served in the program. Ongoing professional development is provided based on identified staff needs.
Engaged Learning
Quality 21st CCLC programs utilize active, student-centered instructional methods that make learning meaningful and relevant. Afterschool and summer experiences are planned based on students’ interests, available community resources and identified student needs. Adults serve as facilitators allowing students opportunities to have ownership in their learning and grow leadership skills.
Family Engagement
A wide body of research identifies active family involvement in their child’s education as a key factor in student success. Therefore, quality 21st CCLC programs offer an inviting environment where families feel welcome, promote positive communication with families, and support meaningful family involvement in the educational experiences of students. Regular opportunities for family members to be involved are incorporated into program planning and implementation. Program staff understand, value, and respect the backgrounds and experiences of all students and their families.
Intentional Programming Aligned with the School Day Program
Quality 21st CCLC programs provide additional time and support for learning outside of the regular school day. Academic support includes homework help and enrichment activities that align to, complement, and enhance the school day curriculum.
Ongoing Assessment and Improvement
Quality 21st CCLC program site-level and state-level leadership teams collect, analyze, and utilize data from multiple sources as part of their continuous improvement process. Data collected and analyzed annually includes program self-assessments and surveys from multiple stakeholders including students, families, teachers and program staff. This information is used to study the quality and effectiveness of the program, while also highlighting strengths and accomplishments toward achieving program goals.
Participation, Access and Support During Transitions
Quality 21st CCLC programs promote consistent and active participation. Programs embrace and value diversity, and have a conscious commitment to help all students thrive by providing inclusive, accessible, responsive, and engaging services. Programs support student transitions between grades and across levels through consistency of staff and experiences that prepare students for the next phase of their educational experience.
Safety, Health and Wellness
Quality 21st CCLC programs provide a safe, healthy and nurturing environment for all students. The physical space and the atmosphere of the program promote a healthy learning environment. Health and nutrition are incorporated into daily programming, and there are daily opportunities for physical activity.