Intentional Programming Aligned with the School Day Program
Quality 21st CCLC programs provide additional time and support for learning outside of the regular school day. Academic support includes homework help and enrichment activities that align to, complement, and enhance the school day curriculum.
The building principal is key to ensuring the alignment between the school day and 21st CCLC afterschool programs in supporting students’ success.
American Institutes for Research (AIR)
Afterschool and Expanded Learning
AIR’s work in the afterschool and expanded learning field supports the creation, evaluation, improvement, and maintenance of high-quality afterschool and expanded learning programs in a variety of ways.
STEM professional development for out-of-school time program providers
National Science Teachers Association: Informal Science Education
Connected Science Learning: Linking in-school and out-of-school STEM learning
Connected Science Learning is an online journal highlighting STEM education experiences that bridge the gap between in-school and out-of-school settings.
NASA Education
NASA is taking a leading role in the effort to inspire interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics through its unique mission, workforce, facilities, research, and innovations. Students, educators and faculty may explore and experience unique space and aeronautics content through NASA’s education programs.
Nebraska 4-H Afterschool
Nebraska 4-H Youth Development aims to increase the quality and quantity of out-of-school time programs that address community needs. Out-of-school time programs are offered outside of school hours, and include afterschool programs.
Nebraska Department of Education