Family Engagement
A wide body of research identifies active family involvement in their child’s education as a key factor in student success. Therefore, quality 21st CCLC programs offer an inviting environment where families feel welcome, promote positive communication with families, and support meaningful family involvement in the educational experiences of students. Regular opportunities for family members to be involved are incorporated into program planning and implementation. Program staff understand, value, and respect the backgrounds and experiences of all students and their families.
Harvard Family Research Project
Family Involvement (promoting strategies to support family involvement in children’s learning and development) is one of several research areas of the Harvard Family Research Project website, which offers publications and resources.
National Parent Teacher Association (National PTA)
Parent and community involvement in education leads to improved academic success. Available on the National PTA website are the National Standards for Family-School Partnerships.
Nebraska Department of Education / Family and Community Engagement
The Nebraska Department of Education identified family engagement as an essential area of focus in the AQuESTT accountability system. Current family and community engagement research, websites, and promising practices are available on this website.
U.S. Department of Education / Family and Community Engagement
Check out the resources supporting the framework for building greater support and capacity in schools, homes and communities, so ALL students have the chance to succeed. Get ideas for how to bring your passion, talents, and energy to help students and to make your neighborhood schools stronger. YOU can make a difference. You can help young people in your neighborhood have a strong start and prepare for college and for their careers.