Safety, Health and Wellness

Quality 21st CCLC programs provide a safe, healthy and nurturing environment for all students. The physical space and the atmosphere of the program promote a healthy learning environment. Health and nutrition are incorporated into daily programming, and there are daily opportunities for physical activity.

All sites are expected to meet or exceed the 21st CCLC Health and Safety Expectations.

Action for Healthy Kids
The mission of the Action for Healthy Kids is to mobilize school professionals, families and communities to take actions that lead to healthy eating, physical activity and healthier schools where kids thrive.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Kids on the Move: Afterschool Programs Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
America After 3PM
Afterschool Alliance

Nebraska Department of Education
Nutrition Services
NDE’s Nutrition Services provides leadership that inspires service of nutritious meals to children, students and adults.

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Title 391, Children’s Services Licensing
Chapter 4, School-Age-Only Centers
Effective 2/20/13, Operative 5/20/13
Chapter 4
School-Age-Only Child Care Center

These regulations govern the licensing of school-age-only child care centers by the Department of health and Human Services.

Updated October 26, 2018 9:19am