You’re Not in Kansas Anymore

Thematic Unit Title:  

You’re Not In Kansas Anymore

Subject: Immigration
Goals: 2. Gain knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
5. Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World
Standards: 2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the perspectives and practices of cultures studied and use this knowledge to interact effectively in cultural contexts.
2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the perspectives and products/contributions of the cultures studied.
5.1 Students apply language skills and cultural knowledge within and beyond the school setting.
Contexts\Outcomes: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the perspectives and history of immigration and use this knowledge to interact appropriately with the global community.
Progress Indicators Goal 1:
Progress Indicators Goal 2:  

2.1C Identify some commonly-held generalizations about the culture studied.
Analyze some commonly held generalizations about the culture studied.
Evaluate some commonly held generalizations about the culture studied.
2.2B Identify and explain how the needs, behaviors and beliefs of the culture that are reflected in the products/contributions of the culture.
Discuss and analyze external factors which affect products and contributions.
2.2E Recognize the contributions of the target culture.
Analyze the contributions of the target culture.
Evaluate the effects of the target culture’s contributions on other societies.

Progress Indicators Goal 3:
Progress Indicators Goal 4:
Progress Indicators Goal 5:  

5.1B Locate connections with the target culture through the use of technology, media, and authentic sources.
Establish connections with the target culture through the use of technology, media, and authentic sources.
5.1C Locate resources in the community to research the target culture.
Use resources in the community to research the target culture.
Collaborate with resources in the community.

Essential Skills\Knowledge:  

Target language vocabulary
Interview skills
Background information on immigration including history
Use of technology

Assessments: Projects:
Students make a timeline of the history of immigration meeting checklist criteria.
Students keep an immigration reflection journal meeting specified criteria.
Students compile a book of “family stories” meeting criteria decided by the class.
Oral Presentation:
Students present the interview they did with an immigrant, including audio tape, videotape, and/or photographs, and sharing personal insights of what they learned from this project.
Instructional Strategies:  

Individual Projects:
Students make a timeline of the history of immigration.
Students keep an immigration reflection journal.
Pair Activities:
Students use the Internet to research immigration.
Students use the Internet and other available resources to collect “family stories.”
Students compile a book of “family stories.”
Cooperative Learning:
Students interview an immigrant-include audiotaping, videotaping, and/or photographs.

Resources: Internet
Library resources
Library research
Community resources
Other Resources: Immigration Services
Updated December 27, 2019 8:16am