Competency-Based Credit

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Nebraska Department of Education World Languages Competency-based Credit Program

Competency-based Credit (CbC) allows students to earn high school world language credits by demonstrating proficiency in a language other than English. These types of credits offer fluent writers and speakers additional flexibility in how they progress toward graduation. There are many benefits of the CbC program, including increased access to core subject credits required for graduation, preparation of bilingual students for college and career, motivating students to take advanced courses in their home language in high school and beyond, and honoring the language traditions of students and their families.


General Guidelines. The CbC program is established in NDE’s Rule 10: Regulations and Procedures for the Accreditation of Schools, which allows districts to integrate CbC into existing pathways and local policy. Nebraska districts may award the credits based on a student’s proficiency level, as indicated in the results of a corresponding assessment (004.04C3, pg. 17). The table below provides proficiency levels for some assessments. All assessments approved for the Nebraska Seal of Biliteracy can also be utilized to earn competency-based credits.

Competency-based Credit Assessment Requirements

Implementation process. School districts should establish local policies and guidelines and incorporate information into communication with students and their families.

  • School district responsibility
    • Develop district policy
    • Communicate with parents and students
    • Report progress to NDE World Languages (see info. below)


  • Possible funding sources
    • Local grants
    • Title funding
    • Joint funding structures with the Seal of Biliteracy program


Other considerations. Once students have completed the appropriate CbC assessment process, the district must ensure the credit is noted on the student’s transcript. No student is allowed to earn more than four semesters’ credit via CbC. Students either earn world language credit by taking the course (seat time), or via CbC.


For replacement purposes, it is recommended that students take required assessments prior to course enrollment in their freshman year so that they can be placed at the appropriate world language course level. For graduation and career purposes, it is recommended schools consider the individual needs of students as they implement a process.


For any questions, please contact Chrystal Liu at or 402-430-8147.


  • Opportunities for all students
  • Adequate placement
  • Graduation requirement
  • Opportunities for other focus


  • Conference with NDE WL
  • Revision of school/ district policy
  • Communication in the community
  • Implementation
Updated May 9, 2024 10:01am