Thematic Unit Title: |
Planes, Trains, Automobiles |
Subject: |
Transportation |
Goals: |
1. Communicate in Languages Other than English
2. Gain knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
3. Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information |
Standards: |
1.3 Students convey information, concepts, and ideas to listeners and readers for a variety of purposes.
2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the perspectives and practices of cultures studied and use this knowledge to interact effectively in cultural contexts.
3.1 Students reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines through foreign languages.
3.2 Students acquire information and perspectives through authentic materials in the foreign languages and within the cultures. |
Contexts\Outcomes: |
Students engage in conversations, convey/acquire information, form opinions, and make comparisons about transportation. |
Progress Indicators Goal 1: |
1.1A Express basic needs.
Elaborate on needs.
1.1B Express basic courtesies.
Incorporate appropriate gestures into conversations.
Converse using language and behaviors that are appropriate to the setting
1.1C Express state of being.
Create simple descriptions within a context.
Create detailed oral descriptions within a context.
1.1D Express likes and dislikes.
Qualify likes and dislikes.
1.1E Express agreement and disagreement.
Support opinions.
Describe a problem.
Make suggestions and recommendations.
Express individual perspectives and defend opinions. |
Progress Indicators Goal 2: |
2.1B Recognize and interpret language and behaviors that are appropriate to the target culture.
Produce language and behaviors that are appropriate to the target culture.
2.1D Identify social and geographic factors that affect cultural practices.
Discuss social and geographic factors that affect cultural practices.
2.1E Identify common words, phrases, and idioms that reflect the culture.
Interpret the cultural connotations of common words, phrases, and idioms. |
Progress Indicators Goal 3: |
3.1A Identify and apply, within a familiar context, information and skills common to the foreign language classroom and other disciplines.
Transfer and apply, within a limited context, information and skills common to the language classroom and other disciplines.
3.1B Identify, through foreign language resources, information for use in other disciplines.
Analyze the information gathered through foreign language resources for use in other disciplines.
Locate foreign language resources and synthesize information for use in other disciplines. |
Progress Indicators Goal 4: |
Progress Indicators Goal 5: |
Essential Skills\Knowledge: |
Transportation vocabulary
Knowledge of cultural practices
Verbs – present, future and imperative tenses
Internet skills
Read/interpret authentic materials (bus schedules, metro maps, etc.)
Metric system (kilometers, liters, etc.)
Currency conversion |
Assessments: |
Traditional Tests:
Currency conversion
Metric system
Students surf the Internet to find authentic materials about transportation and interpret it for the class meeting participation and rubric criteria.
Students create an original futuristic mode of transportation (name, draw, build, explain) meeting rubric criteria.
Final Presentation:
Students write and perform a skit role-playing transportation situations meeting criteria stated in the rubric such as transportation vocabulary, comprehensibility, audibility, pronunciation, shared involvement, punctuality, and creativity. |
Instructional Strategies: |
Pair/Individual Activities:
Students give directions to a given location in the target language.
Students create a jingle promoting a given mode of transportation.
Students do conversion worksheets (miles-kilometers, gallons-liters, U.S. currency-target culture).
Students keep a journal of an imaginary trip.
Students write editorial pros/cons of different means of transportation.
Students listen to announcements in the target language.
Students create an original futuristic mode of transportation (name, draw, build, explain).
Students participate in the Cue Card Activity (i.e. finish the sentence “I’m going to ____ by ____.”)
Students surf the Internet to find authentic materials about transportation and interpret it for the class.
Cooperative Learning:
Students play the Mille-Bornes Card Game.
Oral Presentation:
Students write and perform a skit role-playing transportation situations. |
Resources: |
Library resources
Library research
Card Game |
Other Resources: |