Foundational Literacy Instructional Routines

This resource guide has been developed to provide Nebraska educators with consistent, systematic, and explicit routines to enhance the delivery of evidence-based instructional practices and comprehension strategies for use across all tiers of instruction. Foundational literacy instruction is essential to ensure all students become successful readers and writers.
Webinar Series: Foundational Literacy Instructional Routines

The Nebraska MTSS team, in partnership with the Nebraska Department of Education is excited to announce a new webinar series to guide and support instructional routines for teaching foundational literacy in the classroom. The series, “Foundational Literacy Instructional Routines,” directly aligns with the NeMTSS Framework and consists of two parts: Word Recognition and Language Comprehension.
NeMTSS and NDE team members will share information on important instructional strategies and routines for teaching foundational literacy, along with research-backed information about the brain and how it learns to read.
Webinars in “Foundational Literacy Instructional Routines” will be released on our website in two parts this fall. Each part will consist of a pre-recorded video that is conveniently divided into shorter, 10- and 20-minute segments (also referred to as “chapters”). Educators may watch the full video or skip to the most relevant segments for their needs. Registration is not required to view the pre-recorded videos.