LEA Allocations ESSER I
Pursuant to Sec. 18003 of the CARES Act, LEA allocations are based on an LEA’s proportionate share of the Title I, Part A formula for school fiscal year 2019-2020.
The non-public proportionate share of equitable services under ESSER are based on 2019-2020 Fall Membership for LEAs and the non-public schools (within boundaries) along with the proportionate share of the LEA’s total allocation under ESSER. These figures represent 100 percent of nonpublic schools agreed to participate in equitable services provided through the CARES Act funding.
Only equitable services may be provided to participating private nonprofit schools (PNP). Funding may not be provided to the PNP.
IMPORTANT: Please see the “Equity for Non-public Schools” tab for updates on how does a recipient account for equitable services under the original interim final rule and after vacating the interim final rule.