LEA Allocations for K-12 Public School Districts
The NDE will allocate ESSER III funds to LEAs based on their respective share of funds received under Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 in FFY 2020. The LEA ESSER III Allocation Table is available for review. An LEA that did not receive Title I, Part A funds in school fiscal year 2020-21 (either because the district was not eligible or because it declined funding) would not generate a share of ESSER III funding. LEAs are not required to provide equitable services to non-public schools, however, will be required to reserve at least 20% of awarded funds to address ‘unfinished learning’ through federally or NDE recognized evidence-based interventions under the ARP ESSER III award. LEAs should continue to spend down ESSER I, then ESSER II funds first to provide strategic and coordinated response efforts as these funds expire first.
ARP ESSER LEA Allocation Table Revised (02.22.2022)