District Technology Profiles
Future Ready District Technology Profile 2023 – 2024.
The Future Ready District Technology profile will run second semester again this school year. The collection will open for ALL public schools and districts in the portal on Thursday, February 1, 2024, and will close on Monday, April 15, 2024. A PDF version of the 2023-2024 Future Ready District Technology Profile will be linked on this webpage on January 29, 2024. This will give districts a chance to review and begin to seek out the necessary data before entering their data into the portal. In addition, an updated FAQ document to answer common questions a district may have on completing the profile will also be shared by January 29, 2024.
NOTE: The School District Superintendent needs to ensure the profile is completed. The profile information is best completed by a district team that has the information related to each of the sections or questions. This team could include District and Building Technology staff, District Curriculum personnel, Principals or Teacher Leaders, Instructional Leaders, and Professional Development personnel. It is suggested that the team complete the PDF version first and then enter the data into the profile on the portal. Data must be entered in the order of the profile and cannot be skipped.
Data collected from the profile will be shared back out to school districts through the Nebraska Education Profile (NEP) website by the fall of 2024. Districts will be able to print a copy of their completed profile immediately after their final submission within the portal for their own records.
If you need a copy of your district’s 2022-2023 Technology Profile data collected last year contact Dorann Avey via email at dorann.avey@nebraska.gov.
NOTE FOR ESU’S – The ESU’s will not complete a district technology profile. If an ESU would like to see an ESU reports of their member schools’ data, they should request a copy from their ESU Administrator.
PUBLIC DISTRICTS – PDF of 2023 – 2024 Future Ready District Technology
NON-PUBLIC Schools do not need to complete the District Technology Profile.
FAQ’s document (also in the portal)
Portal directions (also in the portal)